Monday, March 18, 2013

Information and Communication Technology in the Field of Agriculture

In an era of intensified globalization, the mastery of Information and Communication Technology is a necessity that no longer negotiable. The technology is believed as a modifier. History shows the evolution of technology has always occurred as the destination for the results of the genius efforts on innovative technologies, which in turn is applied to obtain ease in later life events and benefit from it.

Information Communication Technology is a very important factor in favor of improving the quality of human resources and government services to the public. Information technology has three principal roles:

Instruments in optimizing the development process, by providing support to the management and service to the community.
Information technology products and services is a commodity that can provide a good income for individuals, businesses and even countries in the form of foreign exchange export proceeds telematics services and products industry.
Information technology can be the glue of national unity, through the development of information systems that connect all the institutions and areas throughout the archipelago.
Awareness of the importance of Information and Communication Technology which is usually called ICT (Information and Communication Technologi), not only the monopoly of the big employers but also growing among small businesses and other community forces, such as cooperatives, farmer groups, and ordinary people. ICT is believed to play an important role in business development, institutional organizations, and is also able to accelerate economic activity and standard of living.

Technology also plays an important role in the development of agriculture. Dimafaatkan technology in three main branches, namely agriculture cultivation, livestock and fisheries.

One example is the Internet Information Communication Technology. The Internet presents a world without borders. Through this facility is expected to be used to find all the information that is needed and can be used by communities to improve the welfare of the economy through correspondence with other people or companies in different parts of the world both current information and information can be obtained and delivered longest quickly. So far, the problems faced by the villagers due to lack of information of the new and precise. Information from the internet serves as a first step to solve the problem which is then followed up with other activities.

Internet provides information to farmers in the maintenance of plants and animals, fertilizer, irrigation, weather forecasts and market prices. Benefits of internet benefits farmers in terms of advocacy and cooperation.

Internet is also useful to coordinate the planting so that there is always a supply in the market, more regular and normal selling price. If farmers need specific information that can not be immediately serviced agricultural extension officers, so they can get information from the internet.

Introduction to the Internet can be started from the leaders of the community. These leaders need to be convinced of the effectiveness of the Internet to target development goals set. Thus the benefits of the Internet can be quickly disseminated to the community at large through community leaders. The structure of the rural population are arranged in groups, whether it's a group effort, artistic, or other social groups, each of which has a leader. Community leaders can be empowered to demonstrate the benefits of the Internet for each group. Empowerment can be done through local campaigns, training and demonstration projects.

With the smooth flow of information, delays and miscommunication regarding planting, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting, drying, and selling almost did not happen again. Cooperatives can find out the needs of the farmers weekly schedule it accurately and well, the harvest can be rotated, prices are more stable, while the co-operative may be gatherers and marketers of products directly to end consumers.

With the easy to use ICT is expected to be used by as many farmers in Indonesia or even the world's farmers in order to increase the productivity of their rice, and serve as a means of agricultural development, as well as for the welfare of his life.

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