Saturday, March 16, 2013

Effect technology for teens.

Effect technology for teens.

Advances in technology today can not be separated from public life. Various information occurring in different parts of the world, can now be directly we know thanks to advances in technology (globalization). If the first we know the saying goes "the world is not as wide as the leaves of Moringa", is now saying it should change; current world wide moringa leaves, due to the rapid access to information in different parts of the world to make this world as more and more narrow because we can see what is happening in the United States for example, even though we were in Indonesia.

Of course this led to technological advances such great changes in the life of mankind in all civilizations and cultures. This change has an impact so great that the transformation of values ​​in society. Especially people with oriental culture and customs, such as Indonesia. Currently, in Indonesia we can see that the effect of technological progress on the cultural values ​​that embrace the community, both urban and rural communities (modernization). Advances in technology such as television, telephones and mobile phones, even the internet not just hit the city, but also can be enjoyed by people in remote corners of the village. As a result, all the valuable information both positive and negative, can be easily accessed by the public. And on admit it or not, it slowly began to change the lifestyle and thought patterns community, especially rural communities in every image that characterizes them.

Today we can see how advances in technology have affected the lifestyle and mindset of the people, especially among teenagers. I emphasize the impact of technology on the lives of teenagers on the grounds they were closer and more interacting with technology such as televisions, mobile, or internet. And also in effect, they were the most vulnerable to the effects / negative impact of these technologies. If we first look at the students in school by simply carrying text books or stationery, now we can see the students go to school with their HP as the default mandatory. Whether they actually really need HP as a means of communication or not, that is clear to teens now, HP is the absolute gaul means they have. The better the HP that they have, the feeling well, and believe they are left alone (even though they may not know how to use the advanced features they had on their phones).

Where the teens gain HP? Can be sure, they get it from their parents, respectively. The majority of teenagers, their parents working abroad like Malaysia or Singapore. And generally, the parents feel proud to meet all the needs and demands of their children without regard to the impact that will result from what their parents give to children. That is an expression of love parents who may lack proper mode of delivery. By giving their children the latest HP, for example, they feel they have succeeded as parents, without them consider, will be used for what HP is by their children?

Provide communication tools such as HP to the child, is not really wrong, because HP is, parents may wish communication with the child more easily and smoothly, but, it turned out to be a boomerang when HP is misused by children for the negative things like storing pictures or videos porno and also used as a means of facilitating communication with the opposite sex for the things that are less useful as courtship, so that HP had a negative impact on children as the promiscuity, sex outside marriage and a decline in academic achievement can occur even children take money or valuables owned by his father without permission just to buy credits. Therefore, parents should really consider matangmatang any impacts that will arise before deciding to give HP or other objects if only negatively impact child development.

When HP decided to give to a child, would that parents also supervise and direct the children so that children are not out of control in the use of HP. Nothing wrong with any time we checked HP children to know the contents therein to the child asking permission first. Because by asking permission, the child will feel appreciated and it gives a great influence on his personal and also formed a positive impression on them about our personal as parents. When we find there may be child porn on the HP, do not be judgmental and punishing like a cop, but it would be helpful to ask the boy where he got the video and why he kept it. Whatever the answer to the child, parents should not be judgmental and blame the child, let alone scolded child and apply light hand. However, we encourage children to discuss / share about it, what it's useful and what is its impact on children, and do not forget, when discussing, we also need to listen to children and provide appropriate guidance. For whatever reason, the violence does not solve the problem, once we apply rough hands let alone play against our children, we have actually incised wounds his heart, which at any time until the wound will never heal and will continue to imprint on his soul.

In addition to HP, technological advances also marked the entry of internet access has now become an integral part of teenage life. Through the internet, they can access all the information from around the world. Of course not all of the information presented is adequate information on access by teenagers. Because sometimes the internet they can freely watch everything that smells of pornography that is easily accessible in the virtual world (internet). This is certainly cause adverse effects to the development of adolescent personality. From the beginning they feel taboo about sex, until they see sexuality in a sale on the internet without proper direction and guidance, and they are curious even try. Because of that, I wonder if the current teenage promiscuity in Bawean be very alarming and disturbing the public, especially the parents.

Television, also a product of modernization that will have great impact on the lives and changing values ​​in society. Many people imitate the lifestyle of the public figures that they saw on television. Latest celebrity fashion line, model the latest haircuts, even often mimic the behavior of the celebrities they see on TV, no matter what the lifestyle of celebrities or public figures that they imitate and they took as a role model in accordance with the conditions and situations in which they live or not. It also hit among teenagers, which was in this period is the period in which they are teenagers looking for something that is considered valuable, worthy cherished and adored, and make it a role model identity. No wonder if we see a lot of young celebrities to imitate their idols, ranging from hair styles, style of dress, even the style of courting the artists they see on television.

As parents, should understand the mental state of children, especially teenagers. According to psychologists adolescence is a period of the most vulnerable in the psychological development of children. In adolescence, the children have left childhood where they can not be called again as a child, but also not be accepted in a group of adults. At this time the child has started looking for who he was (looking for identity / Identity formation), trying to find a group or friends who are willing to acknowledge and appreciate his abilities and has started to have an interest in the opposite sex. Adolescence is a time of soul-searching, and could have been in the process of finding the teenager's identity through the right path or the wrong path. If adolescents fail to develop a sense of identity, teens will lose direction, like a ship that lost the compass, and it will not affect either the development of his personality in the future. That is why, adolescence is the most vulnerable to influence from outside. Both positive influence or a negative influence, where the role of the parents in need to be able to guide and direct youth not to lose control of himself (self-control).

As well as parents should always monitor the development of the child, with no curb creativity or the child's world. Because children have a world of their own, where they live with all the imagination and also the friends they have. The task is to educate parents and later directed that the world our children to not only be a world filled with darkness, but also a world of joy and happiness and the world in which they assess her image (image of self) are positive and have self-confidence ( self esteem).

Today, due to modernization products such as television, mobile or the internet, we can see that there is no difference with the urban lifestyle of the villagers. Western culture that used only in adaptation and in duplicate by the people of the city, with the advances in technology have also been hit rural communities. Culture of mutual help that formerly attached to the villagers, gradually diminished if not disappeared altogether, replaced by an individualistic culture. Culture mannered and innocent that also characterizes rural community slowly began to fade and change the culture of sloppy that they proudly call a slang term.

In essence, the advancement of technology and its influence in life is something we can not avoid. However, we can make a wise move for ourselves, families and the public to the tremendous technological progress is not to shift our identity as human beings with the norms and values ​​of a noble character. However, as a member of society, and especially as parents, we must perform a representative and preventive measures, as much as possible in order to prevent the negative effects of technology on our children especially the teenagers who are the golden generation that will be the successor to form a nation we struggle moral and cultured in the days to come.


In essence, the advancement of technology and its influence in life is something we can not avoid. However, we can make a wise move for ourselves, families and the public to the tremendous technological progress is not to shift our identity as human beings with the norms and values ​​of a noble character. However, as a member of society, and especially as parents, we must perform a representative and preventive measures, as much as possible in order to prevent the negative effects of technology on our children especially the teenagers who are the golden generation that will be the successor to form a nation we struggle moral and cultured in the days to come.


Our thanks to the readers of this paper and hopefully can be beneficial to the general public.

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