Saturday, March 16, 2013


Role of Communication Technology and Management

Currently the application of information and communication technologies are needed in the business world as a tool in the effort to win the competition. Information Technology Development Company carried out gradually before a holistic or comprehensive system is built, it is adjusted to the strength of its resources. In practice, information technology strategic plan is always aligned with the company's plans, so that every application of information technology to deliver value to the company. Referring to the company's information technology architecture, application of Information Technology conducted categorized as follows:

• Application of Information Technology which form the basis of various other applications
  The company is in the other operating systems, databases, network
  management and others.
• Applications that are fundamental (utility) the application of Information Technology
  used for a variety of resource utilization Corporate affairs among other
  payroll systems, accounting and financial systems and others.
• Application of Information Technology in accordance with the needs spesifikPerusahaan
  particularly with regard to the creation of products / services offered
  Companies such as Application Properties, Applications and Application Forwarding
IT departments often underestimated because it is the only department that can spend money without being able to make money, this is sometimes a problem of its own for the corporate IT department. Sometimes a lot of companies look at one eye on the role of IT in supporting the process in the company, it has not been a lot of measuring devices that can be used to measure how much IT contributed to or took part in advancing the company?
Some of the application of Information and Communication Technology among others in the company, business, banking, education, and health. And that will be discussed here is a special application with the tables and Communication Technology in the Company.
Application of Information and Communication Technology widely used by business travelers. The need for time and cost efficiency led to any businesses feel the need to apply information technology in the work environment. Application of Information and Communication Technology bada cause changes in work habits. For example, the application of Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is a software application that includes the company's management system, how long most
To be able to know the share of corporate IT department is to know the benefits of the application of IT technologies in the enterprise, for example:
• That from manual to automatic, and this reduces the cost of labor, the cost for paper, stationery, etc..
• working on a faster time in the presence of IT. Because IT is going memperbendek chain of bureaucracy, which was completed in 1 week with IT only took 1 day. If we had the time to convert to the cost savings it will get a few dollars.
• Decision-making is faster, because the data required IT can be obtained quickly. This of course would make the company more competitive. Because the impact would be enormous could be due to a slow decision a company will lose a lot of orders.
• The application of IT technology we will be able to save baiaya promotion and marketing, for promotion via the web site will be very cheap and consumers can view the company profile from anywhere in the world.
• The IT system will be integrated in all offices or company so it will be able to increase the speed in responding to something and the management will quickly determine the condition of the company without having to visit a remote branch office and transportation costs.
So actually the implementation of IT will be very cost-effective in all aspects, whether labor, processing, marketing, and management. And application of IT will also be able to accelerate the progress of the company, with semain increasing its margins.
To find out exactly how much profit is generated by IT then you can calculate it from the resulting savings-savings your company as the impact of the adoption of IT converted to Euro, and the progress achieved from the implementation of your company's IT, it will appear a sufficient significant.
Information systems in general have eased the situation a role in the company, including the following:
• Minimize risk
Every business has its risks, especially related to financial factorfaktor. In general, the risk comes from uncertainty in many respects, and other external aspects that are beyond the control of the company .. Currently, various types of applications are available to reduce the risks often faced by businesses such as forecasting, financial advisory, planning experts and others. The presence of information technology in addition to be able to help companies reduce business risks that exist, it should also be a means to assist management in managing risk.
• Reduce costs
The role of information technology as a catalyst in a variety of efforts to reduce the company's operating costs will ultimately affect the profitability of the company. In connection with this there are usually four ways to offer information technology to reduce operational costs, namely:
• elimination process
Implementation of the various components of information technology will be able to remove or eliminate processes that are deemed unnecessary. Sample call center to replace the function of customer service in the face of customer complaints.
o Simplification process
Various processes are lengthy and convoluted (bureaucratic) can usually be simplified by implementing the various components of information technology. Sample orders can be made through the company website without the need to come to the service order.
o Integration process
Information technology is also capable of integrating multiple processes into one that feels faster and more convenient (directly will increase customer satisfaction as well).
o Automation of the process
Changing manual processes to be automated is the classic offer of information technology.
• Add Value
The next role of information technology is to create value for customers. The ultimate goal of creating value not just to satisfy customers, but even further to create loyalty so that customers are willing to always be customers for the long term.
• Create new realities
The development of information technology is characterized by the rapid recent internet technology has been able to create a new competitive arena for the company, which is in cyberspace. Various concepts of e-business is kind of e-commerce, e-procurement, e-customer, e-loyalty, and other essentially a new perspective in response to the business mechanisms in the era of globalization of information.
For some companies, an IT strategy is not always the case that formal. Although the plan called Information Systems (IS) "Strategic", application architecture, data, technology and IS management process, which consists of the development and reporting standards, all presented with a plan, and the needs of the business processes that exist today. There is no reference or philosophy for the use of technology in the company and was not impressed any significant rules in determining which strategy is more effective, profitable and feasible.
In a conventional environment, the relationship between a firm's competitive strategy and the benefits of using IT developed through several layers, from planning, analysis and design. Can be understood if the ligkungan sseperti IT has little effect on the company's competitive strategy. In line with the broader use of IT in the business environment, the look is no longer a separation between IT and the competitive strategy of the company, as all competitive strategy must have IT as well as having marketing, manufacturers and finance.
IT strategy helps managers to define limits for the next action decision making, but stopping briefly in determining the action for himself. This is a fundamental difference between IT strategy and IT planning. IT strategy is a set of priorities that controls decision making for users and data processing professionals. It is a form of rule framework for usability of IT within the company, and describes how a senior executive at the company will relate to the IT infrastructure. IT Planning on other things, focusing on the implementation of the IT strategy.
Information Systems Strategic Planning needed for an organization to identify the best targets to make the purchase and implementation of management information systems and help to maximize the yield from investment in information technology. An information system created by Strategic Design of Information Systems are good, will assist an organization in the decision to carry out its business plans and realizing its business pencapian. In today's business world, the application of information technology to determine the strategy of the company is one of the most effective ways to improve business performance.
IT strategy is needed to
• Knowledge of new technologies
• involved in tactical and strategic planning
• Discussed in company discussions
• Understand the advantages and disadvantages of technology
With the growing role of information technology in the business world, the demand management / IT to produce a viable Information Systems and support business activities. To that end, required a change in management / IT. Change is the implementation of the Strategic Design of Information Systems to meet the demands of producing SI to support the business activities of an organization. Along with the times and the world of business, an increase in Information Systems Strategic Planning is a serious challenge for the management of IS / IT.
SI / IT as an Enabler, organization / company is required to apply the technology not only to maintain the existence of the business but also to create chances in the competition. An understanding of the role of technology development and information systems needed to manage technology and information systems within the organization itself. IT support company / organization at the level of
• Strategic
   Relevant to the achievement of long-term targets and overall business
• Tactical
   Required to achieve strategic plans and objectives in order to perform
   changes to success
• Operational
   Processes and actions that must be performed daily to maintain performance

Suitability of IT and Business
• Conduct internal and external synergies between domains
   External strategic choices must be consistent with the internal settings => general in
• IT Domain
Strategies for IT should be seen in the external domain: determines the position / formula companies in the market of IT products
IT => enabler: determine or establish the business strategy (not just berfungsisebagai response / support to the needs of the business strategy).
Functional Integration of IT for the company:
Business strategy and IT strategy, execution and functional level.
Business operations and IT infrastructure
The relationship between the administration and the business processes that the IT process execution strategies can be implemented.
Functional often called IT's ability to deliver solutions for business processes (more efficient, effective, reduced cost).

Impact of Communication Technology for Bureaucracy
The use of information technology (IT) in developing countries is growing rapidly and enter a variety of needs. The use of technologically advanced devices that networking computers designed since entering 2000, when the use of computers more evenly. The Government further indicates the growing need for the use of IT in order to make the work of the bureaucracy more effective and efficient in serving the needs of the community.
The work could be simplified and bureaucracy is streamlined through the use of information technology. Therefore, governments in some countries are very interested in adapting the use of ICT for citizens and businesses. One is the Italian e-government strategy. This strategy is so popular that it be used as reference for other countries in the world in the development of electronic government services, especially in developing countries. In the records of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, at least 16 countries that follow the model of the development of digital technology used by the government to modernize the Italian government.
Models wearing Italian e-government development by many countries, because since the beginning of Italy is already preparing a development of e-government initiatives prepared by the Technical Unit Development, which is part of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. The initiative has developed into an international action after the UN, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and the Development Gateway Foundation, was also involved and work together in achieving the so-called good governance and democratic development through information and communications technology.
What is a good e-governance in the Italian government? E-governance is a digital bureaucracy than focusing on the community, will also have an impact on the efficiency and quality of service even better. Modernization done up at the local level, and between central and local governments, there is a uniform connection, safe, and efficient with the so-called public connectivity system (PCS). One advantage of the PCS is no longer bothered with the issue should go to a government office to another government office to arrange something. Now intergovernmental communication is inter-connected with each other.
In the modern organization, too, it will make the government more efficient, productive and responsive to public needs, faster serve, to cut the bureaucracy, and that obviously becomes more open.
Ironically, behind the success of e-governance Italian, Indonesian bureaucracy has not changed from the way that the manual digitization regardless of the swift current. The phenomenon of high levels of corruption, bribery, and extortion in the state bureaucracy is constantly occurring as a result of government inaction in the days following the transformation.
Images of Indonesia opaque bureaucracy in the digital era is often photographed with bleak images by various parties. The process of licensing services should be shortened often walk convoluted and thick with the smell of bribery or kickbacks.
According to the survey Transparency International (TI) Indonesia in 2006, bribery was rife in the interaction of public service in government institutions. A woman entrepreneur of public transport in Ambon for example, claimed to have used bribery in the administration route permit. A businessman from Surabaya had another experience. To pass three boats loaded with timber to the warehouse, timber companies are forced to give up two fully loaded timber ships as "harbor entrance ticket" or lubricant. Foreign businessmen to invest in Indonesia were not spared from the 'culture' which is scented odor. No wonder, if TI - a non-governmental body based in Berlin - often puts Indonesia in a group of countries that have relatively high levels of corruption. Conversely, if viewed from the human development index (HDI) or the Human Development Index (HDI) UNDP reported periodically, Indonesia is always in a position more tenuous.
To solve the problem of corruption, bribery or extortion in the bureaucratic system, can be used ICT. This is intended to cut red tape complexity of public services in Indonesia through the implementation of e-Government. That is, the problem of corruption, bribery and extortion can be overcome by improving the quality of public services. Therefore, the use of ICT can promote the establishment of the principles of good governance - especially in terms of transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability. Unfortunately, it can not be done in the near future.
Sendainya just bureaucratic reform-based e-Government can be applied in any districts / cities in Indonesia, it is not only limited to promote improved quality of care or cut the complexity of the bureaucratic chain that has been blamed as the source of the rampant bribery or corruption among bureaucrats, but can foster investment climate positive and foster creativity in new productive business opportunities through ICT convergence space which is now wide open.
Is not the principles of good governance - especially transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability - if realized by implementing e-Government can also change the culture of corruption into a productive culture? Perhaps a change of this kind is expected to hundreds of millions of Indonesia's population of today's global impact of digitization. But if things are easy just continue compounded by the bureaucratic chain, it is quite possible a variety of information and communication technology products imported to Indonesia will only be 'ornaments' that adorn the modern lifestyle, but still poor creativity and productivity.

Application of Communication Technology in Organizations

Communication and information technology have great potential to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of health information management in hospitals. Some notable examples that will be reviewed are (1) a computer-based medical record, (2) portable storage technologies such as smart cards, (3) wireless technology, and (4) handheld computer.

1. Computer-based medical record (Computer-based patient record)
One of the major challenges in the application of information and communication technology in hospitals is the application of computer-based medical records. In his official report, Intitute of Medicine notes that it is still little evidence of the successful implementation of computer-based medical record as a whole, comprehensive and can be used as a data model for other hospitals.
Definition of a computer-based medical records vary, but, in principle, is the use of a database to record all medical data, demographic and every event in the management of patients in hospital. Computer-based medical records will gather patient clinical data both from the results of physician examination, digitization of tools diagnosisi (ECG, radiology, etc.), conversion of laboratory results and clinical interpretation. Computer-based medical record is usually accompanied by a complete facility decision support system (DSS) that enable delivery of alerts, reminders, diagnosis and therapy in order to help doctors and clinicians to comply with the protocol

2. Portable data storage technology
One important aspect of health care that uses the approach of referral (referral system) is the continuity of care. In this concept, health services at the primary level have a high level of connectivity with the referral on it. One of the conditions is the communication of medical data easily and effectively. Some of the approaches made use of information technology is the use of smart cards (smart cards that allow temporary data storage). Smart cards are already used in some European countries and the United States making it easier for patients, doctors and health insurers. In the smart card, in addition to demographic data, some data will also be recorded diagnosisi last. Other portable storage technology is a model of web-based electronic health records allow patients to store their health data while on the Internet. The data can then be accessed by a doctor or hospital as authorized by the patient. This technology is one of the models of telemedicine applications that do not run in real time.
Application is a simple portable storage bar code (or bar code). Bar code is already available in the industry as a marker of a particular brand's unique to come. It is obviously easier supermarkets and retail warehouses and inventory management. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. have required all drug manufacturers in the U.S. to use the barcode as a marker drug. The use of bar code will also benefit the pharmacy and hospital pharmacy in speeding up the inventory process. In addition, the use of barcodes can also be used as a unique identifier on the card and the patient's medical record.
Unique marker technology is now increasingly popular is the RFID (radio frequency identifier) ​​that allows pengidentifikasikan identity through radio frequency. If using barcode, hospitals still require barcode reader, the use of RFID would eliminate the use of these tools. Each item (eg drug or medical record file), along with RFID will send a continuous signal into a computer database. So identification will run automatically.

3. Wireless Technology
The use of computer networks in the medical world has actually been initiated since almost 40 years ago. In 1976/1977, University of Vermont Hospital and Walter Reed Army Hospital to develop a local area network (LAN) that allows users to log on to multiple computers from a single terminal in the nursing station. At that time, the medium used is still a koaxial cable. Currently, the network Hairdryer be excellent because the user stays connected to the network without wires hampered by mobility. Through the non-cable networks, the doctor can always connect to the database without having terganggun patient mobility.

4. Handheld computers (Personal Digital Assistant)
Currently, the use of handheld computers (PDAs) become more and more commonplace in the medical community. In Canada, fifty percent of physicians who are under 35 years old using a PDA. PDAs can be used to store a variety of patient clinical data, drug information, and guide therapy / treatment specific clinical. Some sites on the Internet provide examples of clinical applications are used in PDA dapta as Epocrates. Use of PDAs that have been accompanied by a fixed telephone network allows physicians to have access to a database of patients in rumahs Akit through the Internet network. One example of the application of telemedicine technology is patient radiological data transmission that can be sent directly through the GSM network. Furthermore, doctors can provide direct interpretation PDA and provide feedback to hospitals.

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