Monday, March 18, 2013

Concrete with high quality.

What components are needed in the form of high quality concrete? We look at the history, technical explanations and its constituent materials.


Today, because of the demands of geometric and construction methods, more and more bridges using high strength concrete and perform very Linggi, Bridge Akihabara in Japan using 120 MPa strength concrete. In fact, Bridges Sakata Mirai also in Japan, using an ultra high-quality concrete with strength up to 180 MPa. Nevertheless, concrete technology in Indonesia is not lagging too far. "The development of concrete technology in Indonesia over the past 20 years is very encouraging. A is a parameter that can be a cable stay bridge project in Housing Grand tour Bekasi. Pylon bridge made of concrete quality 60 MPa to condense independent (self compacting concrete) in flowwable form concrete.Jembatan Megamall in Pluit is another example of implementing high quality concrete girder beam (girder) precast prategangnya, the strength 80MPa.

Described is basically a high-quality concrete is concrete that has a high strength, but high quality concrete parameters vary considerably, depending on where located. In Indonesia, the concrete with a strength of 50 MPa was classified as high quality concrete, while in Australia, concrete berkuatan 200 MPa are common. In China, by using synthetic aggregate, have no concrete up to 300 MPa. In the development of modern concrete construction, concrete construction materials are required to be of high quality as well as high performance. In fresh concrete, easy casting in progress (workable), low heat hydrate (low heat of hydration), relatively low shrinkage upon drying, has a high initial bind time (acceleration) or delay (retardation) is good, and easily pumped into higher place, are some demands that must be met quality and high-performance concrete.

Meanwhile, the concrete has hardened, high strength concrete and high performance are required to have high compressive strength or very high, better tensile strength, high initial compressive strength, ductile behavior (clay), air tight and water resistant to abrasion and corrosion sulfate, chloride penetration is low, expansion of low shrinkage, and durable.


To improve the performance of concrete, there are several ways you can do. First, it reduces porosi concrete by reducing the amount of water in the concrete mix. Second, add the mineral additives seperri silicafume, copper slog or fly ash (fly ash). Third, add fiber to the concrete. Fourth, using concrete with self-compacting properties or self compacting concrete. In the manufacture of concrete, cement is one of the most expensive components that determine the price of concrete. One way to suppress the price of concrete is to reduce the use of cement, but to produce high strength concrete and high berkineria, reduced the amount of cement to be replaced with other additives. The experts recommend to use industrial waste silicafume of industrial metals such as silica and copper slag is a waste of the copper furnace, or the use of fly ash from coal combustion waste.


Silicafume also called mikrosilika is waste that contains silica (SiO2) reaches 85-95%. Silica particle size ranges from 0.1 to 1 μm is very smooth, smaller than grains of cement in the range 5-50 μm. If added to the concrete mix, will fill cavities between the grains of cement so that the concrete will be more compact and dense.

 In addition, rnikrosilika will react with C3S and C2S in the cement and produce CSH gel-2 that will form a strong bond and a solid gel in concrete.

Furthermore, the reduction of calcium hydroxide (CaOH) by Si02 will reduce ettringite forming elements, thereby reducing the sensitivity of concrete to sulfate attack. Therefore permeable concrete is not easy and is not susceptible to corrosion. Because the price is still expensive mikrosilikon, generally use mikrosilika only 3-10% of the weight of cement in the concrete mix.

 The composition of the fly ash (fly ash) is almost the same as mikrosilika, but the levels of silica (SiO2) is contained in it is lower, only about 40-65% only. The effect of fly ash to concrete is also almost the same than using additives mikrosilika. But the CSH gel-2 produced lower vang so that the compactness and density of concrete is also low. To improve the quality of concrete using fly ash, the measure should be more, which is 20% of the total weight of the cement in concrete.


Copperslag is one of the ground granulated blast furnace. Slag (GGBFS) or slag and furnace. The composition of the material is close to the cement and the price is relatively cheaper. Copper slag as an additive that also can replace cement in the concrete mix. Often in practice in the field percentage is quite high, ranging from 20-65%.

Copper slag partially replace cement provides several advantages. First, the heat of hydration and shrinkage of concrete expansion will be reduced, thus improving the performance of concrete. Second, the price will be cheaper concrete. Third, by reducing cement consumption, will also mean reducing the energy in the cement manufacturing process and reduce the pollution caused by the cement production process. Fourth, using waste materials, meaning real has applied material technology berkelanjulan (sustainable material technology). "The use of waste is a form of participation we preserve the environment".

Research conducted by the department showed that partial replacement of cement with copper slag, with a share of 10-40%, can produce concrete strength 60-75 MPa, depending on the fineness of copper slag. There are two sizes rnacam subtlety used, ie 90 'cm2 / gm and 1184 cm2/grm. The more refined copper slag, the higher the compressive strength of concrete. This test uses the ratio of cement water content of about 0.3.

Fiber material.

In addition to sewage and industrial metal, fiber (fiber) can also improve the performance of concrete, known as fibrous concrete. Here micro fiber serves as reinforcement that protects the concrete from cracking, increased tensile strength and flexural indirectly. Fiber also increases the compressive strength and ductility of concrete, improve kekedapan concrete, as well as increase the durability of reinforced concrete to loads and shock loads. Micro reinforcement system made from these fibers work based on mechanical principles, ie based on the bond (bond) between fiber and concrete, not chemically .. Therefore Beron fibrous composite material would be a material that is not easily cracked.

Chemical processes in concrete will not be affected by the fiber and will not harm the concrete hardening process in the short and long term. Some types of fiber materials that can be used in concrete, among other natural fibers (hemp, abaca), synthetic fibers (polyester polyproplene.), nylon), steel fiber and fiber glass.

Improving the tensile strength and flexural, improving ductility and ability to absorb energy while deforming, reduce cracking caused by concrete shrinkage, improve fatigue resistance (recurring expenses) and increase the resistance of impact (impact load) are some of the benefits of fiber concrete.

Self compacting concrete.

A new concept for creating high-performance concrete is by using self compacting concrete form flowoble Concrete. This concept is a solution to the concrete can be poured easily and quickly without the need for compressed / vibrated. Concrete flows easily, filling cavities reinforcement meeting without experiencing bleeding or segregation, even in difficult places.

In general, self compacting concrete produced with super plasticizer additives based polymers, mikrosilika, as well as other additional specific and aggregate sizes smaller than 20 mm, can produce high quality and high performance concrete. It is recognized that the development of technology has lagged behind the national concrete with developed countries. Not many mastering engineers and technology steeped in high strength concrete and high performance, especially in the technology of mixing material. It also hampered the quality of materials in Indonesia.

One principle that must be understood by the power production of concrete is to be able to make high strength concrete with materials that are around them. "If they all hold that principle, the concrete becomes materiaI an economical and fun".

Technology To Overcome Disorders and Disorders In Human Motion Systems

I. Healing Broken Bones
Fractures is a disorder that occurs due to injury that causes fragile or broken bones from someone. This can happen because of an accident, a fall or hit by sharp objects that can cause broken bones of men.
Fractures can be treated in several ways, among others:

1. Splinting
The form of banda-hard objects that are placed in areas of bone fractures sekelliling

2. Installation
In the form of limestone material wrapped around a broken bone.

3. Internal Surgery
the surgery to put a metal rod or a disc on a broken bone.

4. Withdrawal (traction)
Ie using weights to hold the limb in place. It is now rarely used, but it used to be the primary treatment for hip fractures.

II. Healing Bone Cancer
Bone cancer is caused by a problem with the cells that make bone. More than 2,000 people are diagnosed in the U.S. each year with a bone tumor. Bone tumors occur most commonly in children and adolescents and are less common in adults who are older. Cancer involving the bone in adults older are most commonly the result of metastatic spread from another tumor.
There are many different types of bone cancer. Bone tumors are most common include osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosarcoma, and Chordoma. Healing bone cancer can be done by surgery and amputation. Other ways, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also effective.

III. Bone Marrow Transplantation
Red marrow can be transplanted from one person to another. It takes a special technique to remove marrow from a healthy donor and injected into the recipient without destroying it, because the marrow is very soft. For example ie, bone age of 4 months the fetus is still in the womb.
His red marrow is injected through the mother's abdomen.

IV. Replacement Joints
To overcome degenarit disease of bone (joints that have been damaged and cause pain) that the method of surgery to replace the damaged joint with metal. Clevis joint is replaced with a metal mixture (eg, a mixture of titanium) and cup joints with polyethylene cup (eg plastic) high density. Then both sides glued with methyl metrakilat porous allowing remained normal bone physiology.

V. Hypophosphatemic Rickets
Hypophosphatemic rickets (formerly known as vitamin D-resintan rickets) is a disorder in which the bones become painful and feels somewhat easily bent because blood contains low levels of phosphate.
Treatment: The goal of treatment hypophosphatemic rickets is increasing the levels of phosphate in the blood, which will promote normal bone formation. Phosphate can be taken by mouth and must be combined with calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D. Using Vitamin D alone is not sufficient. Total phosphate and calcitriol should be adjusted with caution because the treatment often causes high levels of calcium in the blood, tissue accumulation of calcium in the kidney, or kidney stones. These effects can harm the kidneys and other tissues. In some adults, hypophosphatemic rickets resulting from cancer improves dramatically after the cancer is removed.

VI. Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Treatment: The basic principle of rheumatoid arthritis treatment is to rest the affected joint, because the use of the affected joint will aggravate the inflammation. Resting the joints regularly often help reduce pain.
Splint can be used for immobilization and rest one or a few joints, but to prevent stiffness, need to do some systematic joint movement. The main drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis is an anti inflammatory non-steroidal, slow-acting drugs, corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs.
Typically, the stronger the drug, the more severe potential side effects, so it requires strict monitoring.

VII. Osteoporosis
Determination of Bone Density with Bone Densitometer
Bone density measurements done by illuminating the bone with gamma radiation or X-rays. Based on the amount of gamma radiation or X-rays are absorbed by the bones were examined, it can be determined the concentration of calcium in the bone mineral. The calculation is performed by a computer that is mounted on the kekeroposan bones (osteoporosis) that often affects women at menopause, causing bone fracture.

VIII. Applied Physiology
Muscle monitoring technique, applied physiology allows the body to reveal what is out of balance and provide information to restore the balance. The muscle is inserted through the normal motion, monitored to determine where the pressure lies. The essence of this technique using acupoints to ask about specific physiological and anatomical stresses.
IX. Arthroscopy
The use of arthroscopy equipment primarily for injured patients. Arthroscopy was pioneered in the early 1950'-an by dr. Masaki Watanabe dariJepang to perform surgical and minimally invasive cartilage reconstruction of the torn ligament. Arthroscopy helped patients recover from the surgery in a matter of days, rather than weeks or months in a regular surgical and 'open'.
Knee arthroscopy is one of the most common operations performed by orthopedic surgeons today and is often combined with meniscectomy or chondroplasty-which is the removal of the torn cartilage.

X. Joint replacement
Joint replacements are available for other joints on a limited basis, most notably shoulder, elbow, wrist and feet and fingers. In recent years, surface replacement of joints, particularly the hip joint, have become more popular among younger patients and active. This type of surgery is to delay the need for total hip replacement is more ancient and less to maintain bones, but carries significant risks in failing to start due to fracture and death.
One of the main problems in joint replacement is the use of surface mount components that arise, which can cause damage to the surrounding bone and eventually causes the implant to fail. The use of alternative arises surface has increased in recent years, especially in younger patients, to try to develop the use of joint replacement components, which include ceramics and all metal implants (as opposed to the original metal on plastic). The plastic (actually ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) can also be modified in various ways to improve its usage.

XI. Viscosupplementasi
Viscosupplementasi there is a new option for patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, which involves a series of injections of hyaluronic acid intra-artionlar. Meanwhile, patients who do not like traditional medicine should try this treatment. Supplements Hyalgan is injected directly into the knee joint to improve nutrition and lubrication. In most cases, patients find comfort in walking after injection. However, it is important to note that this Viscosupplementasi usually done when all other treatment types have been carried out but failed to relieve the pain.

Food freezing technology.

Technology is the technology of freezing food preserve food by lowering the temperature to below the freezing point of water. This is in contrast to thermal processing, in which the food is exposed to high temperatures and thermal stresses lead to food, can lead to the loss of nutrients, change in taste, texture, or chemical processing and fermentation can alter the physical and chemical properties of food. Frozen foods generally do not experience it all; freeze food tends to preserve the freshness of food. A consumer favorite frozen foods than canned or dried food, especially in the meat and dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.
Almost any type of food can be frozen for the purpose of preservation. This will cause the freezing of the water content in foods and cause a reduction in the activity of water in it. Decreasing temperature and water availability is the bottleneck of the disappearance of the major growth of microorganisms and enzyme activity in its food, causing the food to be more durable and not easily decompose. The advantages of the technique of freezing foods is all that can be achieved by maintaining the quality of the food as nutritional value, organoleptic properties, and others.

Food freezing technique has been known for a long time, while the technique of freezing the salt-ice mixture was introduced around 1800 in two places, namely in the United Kingdom and in the United States that they utilize to cool fish. Commercialization of new food freezing techniques began in the late 19th century.

Freezing point depression.
Freezing point is the temperature at which ice crystals and water are in a state of equilibrium; precise point at which water freezes or ice melts right. Pure water freezes at 0oC temperature at atmospheric pressure. Freezing the food was below freezing pure water, this is because the foods contain various mixtures of various substances and their interplay thus lowering the freezing point. Level freezing a food depends on the concentration of substances in food.

The freezing process.
When food is exposed to cold temperatures, food products will lose heat due to the rate of heat transfer that occurs from the food to the low temperature in the surrounding medium. The surface temperature of the food will decrease faster than the inside.
The amount of water that freezes in food products depends on the temperature of freezing; contains a mix of nutrients greatly affect it. Generally, the more liquid a food ingredient, the amount of water that will freeze more and more. However, the yolk still leaves more than 20 percent of the water though it is cooled to minus 40oC. This is because the high protein content that are dissolved in water. Lack freeze freezing technique is the difficulty of water content in the food perfectly so that still leaves the risk of growth of microorganisms; to overcome needed cooling further to stop the enzymatic activity of microorganisms and freeze more water, but it was not economical.

Phase change and the formation of ice crystals.
When the temperature is lowered food products to below the freezing point, the water begins to form ice crystals. The formation of ice crystals can be caused by a combination of water molecules called homogenik nucleation, or the formation of the core around the suspended particles known as heterogeneous nucleation. Homogeneous nucleation occurs in conditions in which the substance is free of impurities, which generally act as nuclei on freezing. Heterogeneous nucleation occurs when water molecules together with nucleating agents such as foreign bodies, insoluble substances, or even wall wrap. Heterogeneous nucleation is a common type that occurs in the process of freezing food.
The third type of nucleation process, which is called the formation of secondary nuclei, formed when crystals split. Type of crystallization provides a uniform crystal size, and is common on the freezing liquid foods.
Generally, the process of freezing food, the temperature decreases from the initial temperature above freezing to a few degrees below freezing. In this process, the temperature at 0 to-5oC called critical zones required by the food in the formation of ice crystals. The length of time it takes for food in through the critical zone is to determine the number and size of ice crystals formed. Rapid freezing process will form a large number of small ice crystals, whereas in a slow cooling will form a small number of large ice crystals. Freezing is slow to allow time for the water molecules to migrate to the nucleus to be united with it to form aggregates of ice crystals resulting in a large ice crystals. The formation of large ice crystals will affect the structure of the food and cause the loss of food quality. A large ice crystals pierce cell walls and damage food products. The damage will be even greater with the slow rate of freezing. The solution of these problems is to add anti-freeze proteins that can lower the freezing point of water and prevent crystallization at extremely low temperatures.

Estimated time of freezing.
All food products contain various types of solutes. It is very difficult to determine at what temperature throughout the water would freeze in food products, due to the presence of dissolved substances in the diet lowers the freezing point.
Cooling rate affect clotting time required quality food products food products can be defined by the difference between the initial temperature and the final temperature of food product freezing divided by time. Can also be defined as the ratio of the difference between surface temperature and the temperature inside the food product with the time needed to reach the surface of the food product to a temperature of 0 degrees C and the inside temperature of food products to reach -5 degrees C.
Estimated time of freezing is a major factor in making freezing food. When freezing to determine the capacity needed in the cooler to freeze.
Factors that influence the length of the freezing process is the thermal conductivity, specific heat, thickness, density, and surface area of ​​food products as well as the difference between the temperature of food products with a medium rate of cooling and heat transfer resistance. Estimated time of freezing the more difficult because the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat of food products varies depending on the initial temperature, size, and shape of the food.
The bigger the size of the food product, the time required to perform the freezing takes longer. This is because the increase in latent heat and the amount of heat that must be removed. Increasing the size of food also increases the internal resistance of the heat transfer rate, thus requiring more time to freeze.

Tool freezing.
Type of equipment used for a particular product is determined by various factors. Sensitivity product, size, and shape as well as the quality of the final food product is required, the rate of production, availability of space, capacity investment, the type of cooling media used, and so on. Freezing equipment can generally be grouped as follows:
Utilizing direct contact with cold surfaces; food products, both packaged in a state or not exposed directly to cold surfaces, metal, plate, and so on.
Utilizing media air as the cooling medium; air in very cold temperatures used in cooling food products. Air blast, air spray, fluidized bed are also included in the method.
Using liquid as a coolant. In this case, the fluid temperature is very low, low boiling point and high thermal conductivity are used to cool the food product. The liquid is sprayed onto the product or the product soaked into the liquid. Included in this is the cryogenic method.

Direct contact with cold surfaces.
In the freezing cold plate system, the slab seems to be wrapping food products. Slabs can be either double plate or plates are cooled by a lot of different ways. Air space between the plates and wrappers can add resistance to heat transfer rate barrier, so that the space between the plates should be minimized to adjust the size of the food products. And that is the advantage of this method; shape and size of the plates can be adjusted to the size of food products. Another advantage is that freezing can be done quickly from all sides of food products, because metals have a high thermal conductivity so that the heat transfer can be sped up quickly.
Freezing with plates like these tend to save space for the location of the food preparation neat and structured.

Freezing air by utilizing media.
It is a common type of freezing, the cooling chamber filled with air cooled. The advantage is, to take advantage of the flow of convection, the cold temperatures can propagate efficiently into a corner, but the convective heat transfer coefficient of air tend to be small so that the freeze should be done in a longer time due to the low rate of heat transfer. The bigger the room, the smaller the heat that can be transferred in a given time unit. The loss of weight of the product can also result from direct contact between the product and the water is able to raise the water content in food products, especially if temperature and humidity allow.
Air circulation can be done naturally or mechanically by using a fan.

Freezing using liquid.
Generally, food products immersed in coolant cooled. The liquid used in the form of liquid that has a low boiling point but has the ability to absorb heat, such as glycol or other liquid called coolant. Food can also be cooled liquefied in this way as long as packaged before soaking. Generally there is no direct contact between food products with liquid cooling, because the risk of damaging the quality of food products.
Spraying food also includes methods, using similar coolant. The food supplied to the conveyor and spraying. After spraying, generally frozen food products with the use of media such as air drafts. This method makes the food to be frozen faster than without coolant.
With the cryogenic method, foods can be frozen in a fast way. Food soaked in liquid cryogen cryogenik called. Commonly used cryogen such as liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide. Liquid nitrogen has a very low boiling point, which is -196 degrees C, whereas liquid carbon dioxide has a boiling point of -79 degrees C. Cryogen tend odorless, colorless and inert so it will not react with solid food while cooling done in a state without affecting the quality of the food is packaged and except for cold temperature itself. In addition, the cryogen has a heat transfer rate is higher than the other coolant.
In the cryogenic freezing process, initial cooling is necessary to prevent cracking due to temperature drop dramatically because the volume of food products undergo the volume changes very quickly when submerged in the cryogen. Maintaining the temperature is very likely due to the vaporized cryogen has a convective heat transfer coefficient is very high.
Recent modifications of cryogenic cooling is a cooling method that combines cryomechanical immersion in liquid cryogen products and methods that use a mechanical sprayer type conveyors, spiral, or belt that utilizes cryogen vapor. This reduces the cooling time, reducing weight loss food products, improve product quality, and improve efficiency.

Effect of freezing and frozen storage of food.
Any addition or reduction of heat that made the food will bring some changes to the food. Cooling water will turn to ice, and the nature of the food will be determined by the nature of the ice. Growth of microorganisms and enzyme activity is determined by the reduced activity of water in frozen food. The number and size of the ice core is formed sufficiently affect the quality of the product in terms of the level of damage to the bacterial cell wall and also the network structure of food products. Losing weight and drying surfaces generally lack the quality that is not wanted. Storage and transport conditions, especially temperature fluctuations will affect the crystallization of ice and product quality.

Effects on physical characteristics.
When the water turned to ice, its volume increased 9% (water has the smallest volume at a temperature of 4 degrees C and increased in volume as the temperature decreased. If the food product contains a lot of water, then the same thing will happen, but the water content, temperature cooling, and the existence of spaces between cells greatly affect the volume change.
Cell damage may also occur due to cooling: this caused the movement of ice crystals or cell osmotic conditions. Meat products are not damaged by products of fruits and vegetables as fibrous structural owned meat is more elastic than the structure of the fruits and vegetables that tend to be rigid.
Weight loss due to cooling is also a problem because in addition to quality issues, it is also an economic issue when the product is sold by weight of the product. Products that are not packaged will experience greater weight loss due to moisture migration rate toward the lower pressure region due to direct contact with the cooling medium.
Cracking or the formation of cracks on the surface to the inside of the product can also occur, especially when the frozen food products by means immersed into a liquid cryogen cooling or freezing causes the formation of a layer on the surface of the food. This layer against an increase in the volume of that product will experience stress on the inside. If the frozen layer is formed quite brittle, cracks will occur. The nature of the product such as porosity, size, modulus of elasticity, density and so affects the occurrence of cracks. Density changes due to increased volume, and this can be handled with cooling in high pressure conditions.

The effect on the building blocks of food.
Cooling reduces the water activity in foods. Microorganisms can not grow under conditions of low water activity and temperatures below zero. Pathogenic organisms can not grow at temperatures below 5 degrees C, but other types of organisms have different response. Vegetative cells of yeast, fungi, and gram-negative bacteria will be destroyed at low temperatures, but the gram-positive bacteria and mold spores known to be affected by low temperatures. Protein denaturation will experience colder temperatures resulting in a change in the appearance of the product, but the nutritional value is not happening despite denaturation occurred during the weight is not reduced. Freezing does not affect the amount of vitamin A, B, D, and E, but the influencing vitamin C.

Freezing effect on the thermal properties of foods.
Knowledge of the thermal properties of food products needed in the design process of freezing and the equipment needed, including heat transfer capacity.
The eggs are not included because the water content in general each egg contains the same water content
The thermal conductivity of ice is 4 times the thermal conductivity of water (ice thermal conductivity is 2.24 W / m K, the thermal conductivity of water is 0.56 W / m K) so that the thermal conductivity of frozen food is generally 3-4 times greater than the foods that are not frozen. During the early stages of freezing, rapid increase in thermal conductivity. For a diet rich in fat content, thermal conductivity variation with temperature is negligible, but in the case of meat products, the orientation of the muscle fibers affect the thermal conductivity.
Specific heat of ice is only half of the specific heat of water. During the cooling period, specific heat food products declined. Measurement of specific heat is quite complicated because there are ongoing phase change from water to ice. Latent heat of food products can be estimated from the fraction of water present in the food. Thermal diffusivity of frozen food can be estimated from the density, specific heat, and thermal conductivity. Combined with data on the thermal conductivity and specific heat of ice to water, can be estimated that frozen food has a thermal diffusivity value 9-10 times greater than the food that is not frozen.

Development of freezing techniques.

Freezing at high pressure.
Conventional freezing methods, especially in the case of large-sized food, will cause the formation of large temperature gradients. The surface of the food product will accelerate clotting faster than the inside, so on the surface of the food will have a large number of small ice crystals, while the inside will have a small number of large ice crystals. This will lead to loss of product quality.
Conventional Freezing will also cause an increase in the volume of products and cause tissue damage. When freezing carried out at high pressure, an increase in volume can be prevented and between the surface and the inside of the food products will experience freezing in speed is not much different that the formation of ice crystals will homogeneously on the surface and the inside of the food products.

Food freezing method is applied in particular to the foods that are high water. Food didehidrasikan to meet the required moisture content prior to being frozen. When a product such as fresh fruits and vegetables with high water kadari frozen, the main problem is the quality of the disturbing increase in volume due to the water content in it that can cause tissue damage. Partial dehydration can be done with conventional air drying or osmotic drying. Partial dehydration can provide a variety of benefits, including lower heat transfer load of food products, simplify and reduce the cost of storage, handling, and shipping.

Energy conservation in the freezing process.
Freezing is an activity with the use of energy-intensive. Cost-effectiveness of clotting activity depends on the cooling load of food products that determine the energy consumed freezer. Transfer heat at the beginning of the freezing process is the most difficult and time-consuming, so that the end point of freezing, which is generally difficult to determine, should be estimated precisely and so determine the total energy consumption freezer. Manipulation of the building blocks of food products, automation equipment cooling, tracking the phase change of water-ice, and so on, also be important in determining the total energy required in the freezing process as it prevents excessive heat transfer.

Information and Communication Technology in the Field of Agriculture

In an era of intensified globalization, the mastery of Information and Communication Technology is a necessity that no longer negotiable. The technology is believed as a modifier. History shows the evolution of technology has always occurred as the destination for the results of the genius efforts on innovative technologies, which in turn is applied to obtain ease in later life events and benefit from it.

Information Communication Technology is a very important factor in favor of improving the quality of human resources and government services to the public. Information technology has three principal roles:

Instruments in optimizing the development process, by providing support to the management and service to the community.
Information technology products and services is a commodity that can provide a good income for individuals, businesses and even countries in the form of foreign exchange export proceeds telematics services and products industry.
Information technology can be the glue of national unity, through the development of information systems that connect all the institutions and areas throughout the archipelago.
Awareness of the importance of Information and Communication Technology which is usually called ICT (Information and Communication Technologi), not only the monopoly of the big employers but also growing among small businesses and other community forces, such as cooperatives, farmer groups, and ordinary people. ICT is believed to play an important role in business development, institutional organizations, and is also able to accelerate economic activity and standard of living.

Technology also plays an important role in the development of agriculture. Dimafaatkan technology in three main branches, namely agriculture cultivation, livestock and fisheries.

One example is the Internet Information Communication Technology. The Internet presents a world without borders. Through this facility is expected to be used to find all the information that is needed and can be used by communities to improve the welfare of the economy through correspondence with other people or companies in different parts of the world both current information and information can be obtained and delivered longest quickly. So far, the problems faced by the villagers due to lack of information of the new and precise. Information from the internet serves as a first step to solve the problem which is then followed up with other activities.

Internet provides information to farmers in the maintenance of plants and animals, fertilizer, irrigation, weather forecasts and market prices. Benefits of internet benefits farmers in terms of advocacy and cooperation.

Internet is also useful to coordinate the planting so that there is always a supply in the market, more regular and normal selling price. If farmers need specific information that can not be immediately serviced agricultural extension officers, so they can get information from the internet.

Introduction to the Internet can be started from the leaders of the community. These leaders need to be convinced of the effectiveness of the Internet to target development goals set. Thus the benefits of the Internet can be quickly disseminated to the community at large through community leaders. The structure of the rural population are arranged in groups, whether it's a group effort, artistic, or other social groups, each of which has a leader. Community leaders can be empowered to demonstrate the benefits of the Internet for each group. Empowerment can be done through local campaigns, training and demonstration projects.

With the smooth flow of information, delays and miscommunication regarding planting, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting, drying, and selling almost did not happen again. Cooperatives can find out the needs of the farmers weekly schedule it accurately and well, the harvest can be rotated, prices are more stable, while the co-operative may be gatherers and marketers of products directly to end consumers.

With the easy to use ICT is expected to be used by as many farmers in Indonesia or even the world's farmers in order to increase the productivity of their rice, and serve as a means of agricultural development, as well as for the welfare of his life.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Impact of Automotive Technology Development

Automotive Technology is the applied science of how to design, create and develop land transport equipment that uses engines, notably motorcycles, cars, buses and trucks as a whole means to provide the vehicle necessary for the survival and comfort of human life. In the field of technology is necessary combination of elements of knowledge of mechanics, electricity, electronics, safety / environment, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and management.

While the history of the automotive world discovered the engine in 1876. Later found oil-fired engine that allows opening of the revolution at the birth of the car design, including motorcycles. The discovery was followed by a mechanical engineer who built the first practical car that is run by an internal-combustion engine with enginenya.

The positive impact of these technological developments are opening up employment in developing countries, such as Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Then the easy means of land transportation from one place to another, where it is more practical, safe and convenient. Countries also benefit from the income tax, foreign trade (exports and imports), and even the opening of the automotive sector educational institutions, and for which there are many creative businesses are very profitable businesses, ranging from attempted modifications, accessories and stickers to the seller on the streets.

According to the report the number of cars in the world has reached more than 1 billion units in 2010. Big leap occurred from 2009 to 2010, from 980 million units to 1.015 billion units. Vehicles that are censused passenger cars; truck mild, moderate, and severe, as well as buses. In case this does not include off-road vehicles, motorcycles, and other three-wheeled motor vehicle. In fact, in the countries of Asia and Africa, sales of motorcycles is definitely on the rise. Then what is the impact on us?

As a country with a population of 240 million (2011), the ratio of the population and the car in Indonesia will be the first car to 12 people with the assumption that the car population of 2010 as many as 19,046,147 plus the realization of new car sales in 2011 around 870,000 units. As for motorcycles, amounted to 52,433,132 units. If added to the sales last year (2010) as many as 7.4 million units, the number of motorcycles end of 2011 already more than 60 million units. That means, the ratio of the population with vehicle ownership is 1: 3. So where are we with the explosion of the space vehicle that is definitely going to stay with us this?

Not only that, if known fuel consumption in Indonesia in 2011 was 41 million KL per year, it just means we burn with 1300 liters per second of every day. And recognize the importance of maintaining the safety and the environment, we need to recalculate the result of motor vehicle accidents, compensation should be paid, how many vehicles supporting facilities should be provided, including what is good policy and regulation in tackling this problem.

Other impacts are less attracted our attention was the fact that in four years (ie 2004-2008) when the world population increased 5%, then that means annual CO2 emissions also increased by 10% and is followed by the dirty energy production also increased by 10% (Statistics IEA world).


The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has an impact on the insurance industry especially in the service process.
With the growing use of ICT, there are five shifts in the service process, namely: (1) from training to performance, (2) from the ministry to where and at any time, (3) of the paper to the "on line" or channel, (4) facility physical to network facilities, (5) of the cycle time to real time. Insurance as a medium of communication is done using communication media such as telephone, computer, internet, e-mail, and so on. The interaction between the marketer and the consumer is not only done through face-to-face relationships but also done using these media. Marketers can provide service without having to deal directly with consumers. Similarly, consumers can obtain information in a broad scope from a variety of sources via cyber space or virtual space by using a computer or the internet. The most recent is the development of so-called "cyber peresentation" or virtual presentation, the marketing communication process is done by using the internet. Another term that increasingly poluper today is e-marketing is a model of care by using information and communication technology media especially the internet. e-Marketing is the use of Internet technology in the delivery of services in a broad range belandaskan three criteria: (1) e-marketing is a network with the ability to update, store, distribute, and share information on the product, (2) delivery to the end users through computer using standard Internet technology, (3) focus on the most extensive services beyond traditional service paradigm. Currently, e-marketing has evolved in various models of ICT-based services such as: CBT (Computer Based Training), CBI (Computer Based Instruction), Distance Learning, Distance Education, CLE (Cybernetic Learning Environment), Desktop Videoconferencing, ILS (Integrated Learning syatem), LCC (Learner-Cemterted Classroom), Teleconferencing, WBT (Web-Based Training), etc..

The issue of standards in the digital age is an Information Technology (IT) as a main stream in the development of today's economy. IT has provided a new opportunity in the business world. In other words, through a question what are the information technology, if it is not able to create a business opportunity, job creation and increased income. This is a pragmatic way of thinking in the world of industry. The next concept is how the formation and strategic direction as well as qualifying for the building industry particularly in the information technology industry.
In the industrial world, as we have seen with risk management is important to consider in running a business (business). Risk is a fundamental aspect of the business world. Business risks and uncertainties that could occur without causing damage can be predicted in advance. This is the reason that drives an entrepreneur and those engaged in the business to insure the assets related to its business activities. Furthermore it is with the aim of preventing harm is too great when the risks and uncertainties of adverse forms happened. With the above requirements, a variety of insurance products currently available on the market has a lot to reduce the various risks such as fire, theft, earthquakes, and floods and any other risks.
The development of current information technology era, marked by the development of computer technology and the Internet that causes most of the business done day-to-day use of both. Business activities are currently able to connect from different parts of the world directly and allows for real time transactions. Thus, the new system was evident in the business world in sight. But not only found a new economic system, but also a new form of risk that most of the issues related to security and privacy. As a result of these developments, the risk of becoming increasingly complex business only.
The Internet is an open network (open network) that enables other parties either interested or not interested in participating in it. A hyperlink to the company's computer network a virtual world through the internet opens up the possibility of damage, because the outside is now the potential to attack or manipulation of the database of a company that ultimately cause damage.
Evil in the world of internet or commonly referred to cybercrime, such as the form of credit card theft, hacking, cracking, tapping data transmission is a form of crime that can potentially cause financial loss. However, a common form of attack that occurred from the internet is a viral invasion, intrusion hackers, as well as efforts to tie up a website through a series of efforts to flood the server with a number of large-scale information. Various forms of the implications for the loss did little for the company targets / objects.
Other supporting factors that cause harm Vendor is not entirely determined by external factors, but can also be caused by internal factors. The internal factor is defined in the capacity of skills and knowledge about the world of computing to people in the (internal company). Knowledge and skills within the scope of that understands the ins and outs of computing (understood technologies in) or who did not understand computing.
Various forms of protection applied to companies that are connected to the Internet today, providing enough protection for the property, which is the system of computing and electronic data company. But the security system that is applied is not always provide total protection. As mentioned previously, the destruction of the security system (security breaches) may occur, due to factors such as unauthorized access, as well as the use of computing systems and enterprise data by outside parties or parties in (insider or outsider).
When assessed in nominal terms, the losses suffered by the company due to damage computer networks and Internet systems is very high and may reach millions of dollars.
New risks as described above is a form of insurance industry new opportunities. Theoretically any risks mentioned above appears capable of inflicting losses can be the object of insurance or otherwise can be insured. As is the object of insurance based on Article 1 point (2)
Law no. 2 year 1992 on Insurance Business, is:
"Objects and services, body and soul, human health, liability, and all other interests that may be lost, damaged, and the loss or reduced in value"
Of these limits, the risks surrounding the security systems of computer networks and the Internet can serve as the object of insurance or otherwise can be insured. This is what gives rise to what we know as cyber insurance.
Cyber ​​insurance as a form of insurance products to cover risks related to computer network security system. Networks of computers connected to the Internet network implies harm either because hackers and virus attacks. New phenomenon that is the issue of cyber insurance in the insurance world today. If we look further, cyber insurance that covers the scope of the computation is divided into two types, namely: the first type associated with the first party or cyber property that covers the risk of losses due to crime, theft, destruction software (software) and database, the data rehabilitation , extortion, and business interuption. Meanwhile, the second type is associated with a third party or cyber liability including defamation related to the website content, copyright infringement, hiperlinking liability, as well as contextual liability.
Currently, the value of the resulting cyber insurance premiums is not very large when compared to other insurance sectors (traditional). But the predicted growth rate of cyber insurance sector will have increased every year. It is connected with the growth of businesses that use information technology is increasing.

Although it has a market share that is promising, but it is not easy for insurance companies to translate the losses that will arise in e-business. In other words, not all insurance companies can be engaged in the business of cyber insurance.
Some cyber insurance is available and quite popular currently include AIG, Marsh, and St. Paul. The three insurance company has offered the use of information technology risk closure. For example, AIG with its policy called it by Protech Technology Liability Insurance, St. Paul with Cybertech + liability policy. There are also a leading reinsurance company that provides protection against the risks of the internet such as Munich Re and Swiss Re.
Insurance risk to be borne by the insurance companies is high, so it is natural that the premium to be paid the insured is relatively large. In addition, there are several requirements that must be met insured include network management computer must be equipped with the implementation of security systems such as firewalls, as well as the use of appropriate encryption techniques. The insurance company Lloyd's of London, for example, the policyholder Computer Information and Data Security and E-Comprehensive Insurance, cyber insurance premiums wearing of U.S. $ 20,000 to U.S. $ 75,000 for closing risks U.S. $ 1 million to U.S. $ 10 million.
In Indonesia itself has become something phenomenal for an insurance company to expand its business in the form of cyber-insurance. This is due to lack of encouragement needs of people who indicated low or even lack of public demand in this field. However, predicted in a relatively short span of time the demand for cyber insurance protection in Indonesia will increase and there will be growing trend. Ready our insurance world in addressing the development of cyber insurance?


In the era of globalization and free trade can be seen that the environment must be faced by a company increasingly complex and more difficult to predict. It was caused by the rapid development of technology, shifts in the digital economy and e-commerce that requires high skills and knowledge, fragmented market in a wide range of geography that demands a clear field of specialization, improvements and innovations made by each company to get an edge competing and coupled with the emergence of other industries which of course increases the intensity of competition increases. Therefore companies are really ready to face all that will survive and continue to grow.
As stated in ISO 9001 that an employee's competency components required by the company to be a quality organization and gain national and international quality certification. The company also must be able to document and identify employees who meet the job qualification requirements and develop employees who have not qualified in terms of knowledge and skills through training and practice development. Part Human Resource Development (HRD) needs to build human resource (HR) professional and highly competent that will be a center of excellence as well as support the company's competitiveness in the company entered the era of globalization. In accordance with the changes in the global marketplace, every company employee organizations need to have high competency as required in the job.
Concept of Human Resource Management Competency Based (HRM-BK) or Competency Base Human Resource Management (CB-HRM) offers a new approach that can translate the demands of corporate competencies into position competency requirements and needs of individual competence. With the approach of HRM-BK, many HRM functions previously difficult to do becomes easier and practical, which are organized by the level of competency requirements. HRM-BK method that utilizes computer technology provides easy access to obtain information about the position and the individual so as to result in a decision-making human resource management effective and efficient.

Glimpse of Information Technology

Humans are social beings, besides Clothing, food, and shelter as a priority need, then as social human beings need to communicate between each other as the main requirement to be able to relate to one another.
So start looking for people and creating systems and tools to interact, ranging from painting forms (drawing) on ​​the walls of caves, hand signals, smoke signals, signal sounds, letters, words, words, writings, letters, to phone and internet.
Tools and man-made communication systems are then known as Information Technology, better known by the term "IT" (read ai-ti), short for Information Technology (eng).
The development of human civilization is accompanied by the development of the delivery
information (hereinafter referred to as Information Technology). Starting from the pictures meaningless in the cave walls, laying a milestone in the form of inscriptions until the introduction of the world flow of information that became known as the INTERNET.
The information presented is growing. Than merely describing a state to battle tactics. The author wanted to portray the development of the IT world since prehistoric times until ere entering the era of globalization or information without boundaries

IT Implementation Strategy

Chief information officer (CIO) is one of the company's top-level executives, responsible for one of the major functional areas - information services (information services - IS).
CIO is a member of the executive committee and work closely with other executives in strategic planning. Strategic business plan together information as a resource that should be used to gain competitive advantage, and is supported by a strategic plan for information resources. Increasing HR competencies in enterprise IT strategy mplementasikan CIO role is crucial.
Undeniably, the development of today's business world is increasingly being linked to and, in fact, determined by how intensive information technology (IT) are optimally applied and used in a corporate environment. Various solutions, which brings the technology and wealth of features and functionality continue to be developed. Similarly, ease of use and implementation, for example made in the form of modules, which enables its application in stages without loss of functional connectivity, the main attraction.
So the race continues to stimulate the birth of new solutions and the basis of the latest platforms, which tend to be more technologically sophisticated and complicated, but it feels much easier to use and more widely automated. Variants wide connectivity, data transfer and execution of functional activity, and ease of application to the points offered advantages vendor. Although, in its application, it takes foresight and a fuller understanding of the needs and objectives to be achieved.
That, of course, not just rely on operational details, but on the ability to provide something more than just technological operations, strategic but functional. Therefore, the solutions are more recent, they should be able to provide more convenience, operational coverage area, including ease of use and cost savings or investment ditanamkannya.
In recent years, new solutions, especially those based on Internet technology and cordless (wireless) to dominate a lot of needs, so the ability to support mobility (and increased productivity) is no longer a dream. Mobility, now, no longer a barrier in conducting various business activities, whether at home, at work, on the street, or even outside the city or even abroad. Access and transfer data remotely and wirelessly, for example, is something that can now be done easily
Therefore, the development of a variety of business-oriented solutions that attract more attention. In addition to more functional, also may give a big picture than just the technical operations. It is also supported by advances in technology without cable access (W-LAN aka Wi-Fi) from a speed of 11Mbps to 54Mbps, and even that is being developed, which is the standard 802.16 (WiMax - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), a world scale.
The new solution is now diujiterapkan by Wal-Mart in the U.S. and Metro in Germany, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), also started getting a lot of attention, especially from the retail industry. Besides promising a lot of convenience, the more prominent is the savings and the availability of more accurate data. This retailer solutions seem to be having a snowball scroll increasingly greater.
Linux previously hardly taken into account, is now gradually starting to make waves. This is evidenced by the emergence of Linux-based operating system - Lindows - which will compete with Windows from Microsoft. Recently, Lindows also hope will become the default OS for the laptop or notebook.
The more buoyant-gebunya application of mobile technology (mobile technology), whether it's Wi-Fi, CDMA, EDGE and others also encourages the development of both hardware and its software. Productivity is expected to be a major concern in deploying this technology.
On the other hand, with a variety of capabilities and cost considerations, Outsourcing (outsourcing) enterprise solutions will increase in both insourcing and outsourcing offshore. This outsourcing strategy, in addition to saving costs, also provide a solution IT solutions to the real experts, while the company can focus on its core competency course.
Cost savings are also now possible with one application of IP Telephony to tackle the soaring cost of voice and data communications. This solution is expected to save up to 70 percent.
However, the IT solutions company that is applied, it remains necessary is that care in scrutinizing the application, so it's really to be expected solution with a number of advantages that can be achieved, both in the short and long term.

The role of information technology in improving Competitive advantage

Companies in the information age is the period of the revolutionary transformation, the company not only assessed performance of the asset but the financial and discuss all aspects to provide cost leadership, diffrention, and focus. The information age companies are more responsive to the challenges of the market, preparing for the challenges of today many companies decided to start outsourcing to improve the company's performance related to business processes that are not a core competence or core business. It is expected to hand over the management of the process into the hands of another company as a business partner that has a core business in the field, creating a process with optimal performance
According to Anthony diromulado Gurbaxani and vijay (Strategic Intent for IT Outsourcing
, Sloan Management Review, Summer 1998, Academic Research Library 3.4) states that the three main points to improve IS IT outsourcing that improve business performance, and generate new revenue that can help companies to assess outsourcing. To achieve corporate strategic objectives with consideration of reducing costs and improving resource efficiency by improving IT IS relevant to their business, but the purpose of commercial exploration of applications, operations, infrastructure and know how to introduce to the market by products and services.
Based on these considerations blaze of incentives for outsourcing clients and vendors sharing the risks and rewards are obtained based on the type of contract, the right decision, performance measurement. Senior managers need guidelines for administration of IS transformation plan based on the standard system with core business systems with a global technology platform and consider the transfer of asset ownership and responsibility of the customer to the vendor IT outsourcing that are critical for success.
Of all that is necessary to evaluate IT Outsourcing and structural relationships, as a manager of IS and business will always remember the need for success, consistency, competence, compatibility and sustainability of the organization's IT assets.
According to the IT Governance Institute (Governance of Outsourcing ISBN 1-933284-13-7) providing for the codification of rules that have outsourced outsourcing life cycle stages as follows:
1. Suitability signing of the contract and the signing of the completed process.
2. Agreement Service Level Agreement (SLA)
3. Operational processes are developed
4. Transition stages and payment services
5. Operational team, a clear articulation of the relationship and interface
6. Transition and Transformation plan completion
7. Successful Act, bonus and penalty
8. Consensus in determining responsibility
9. Assessment continuation outsource supplier performance and style
1. Transition staff
2. Key Knowledge and skills are retained or acquired
3. Carry out the administration of services to complete
4. Dideliver services to SLA / OLA new
5. A framework for monitoring the impact
6. Continuous improvement program
7. Review and improvement of procedures
1. combined activity rules
2. organizing services, operating and reporting
3. Benchmarking is built
4. The project cost is measured based on the implementation
5. Benefits are administered
6. Assets in line with the needs of
7. Changes and the successful Environmental Management
Quick Wins and Steady State
1. Contract that expired
2. Benchmarking to show less competitive
3. Breach of contract
4. Employment relationship that can not be implemented
According Hazael Taylor (Outsourced IT Projects from the vendor Perspective: Different Goals, Different Risks, University of Washington, USA) suggests that multinational IT Outsourcing on the project to be more common in managing project risks in order to avoid the failure of the project by noting spesisifk risk and differentiate from competitors or outsourcing vendors that are not competent, it can be determined by identifying the risk factors that can be identified or classified, namely:

Project Management Risks
1. Technology Risks
2. Relationship Risks
3. Internal Vendor Negotiations
4. Vendor Team Morale
5. Client Trust
6. Client Organization Culture
Location Risks
1. Vendor Overseas Head Office
2. Non Local Third Party
Commercial Environment Risks
1. Vendor's Reputation
2. Vendor's Competition
3. Legal and Credit Risk
4. Contract Term and Conditions
Non-identified factors
According to Kaplan and Norton (1996), which assessed performance using financial indicators alone is no longer considered sufficient, the reason financial measures only describe the situation of the past, and can only be done for a company that all long-term investment.
Sources: # Kaplan
While the era of information technology, companies can survive is a company that is able to create value by investing in our customers, employees, processes, technology used, and innovation.
In 2004, IT Governance Institute, in conjunction with Global Ligthouse, surveyed 200 IT professionals from 14 countries in America, Asia-Pacific and Europe, responder including CIOs, IT Directors and IT managers from various companies with annual revenues of more than U.S. $ 50 million . Survey highlights some of the key themes of strategic mendriven organizations to consider outsourcing and how it is applied and regulated.

The Information Age

To analyze, review, compare and contrast the arguments of some of the thinking presented in the introduction should also look at the condition of the Information Age will get a holistic view so that the influence of Outsourcing. The level of competition increases with increasing business needs of information technology to improve business value, this can be reflected in the strategic characteristics generally have several factors namely: cost leadership, differentiation and focus of seeing it all, now is the time a revolutionary transformation. Industrial age competition has shifted to the information age competition. During the industrial age, from 1850 until about 1975, success is determined by how well companies exploit the benefits of scale and scope economies (economies of scale and scope). The success obtained by the company that is how much a company can embed new technologies and offer a standard product mass and efficiently.
During the industrial age, financial control systems developed within a company, it is to facilitate and monitor the allocation of financial and physical capital efficiently. The use of financial and physical capital by different operating divisions may be monitored in order to create added value for our shareholders.
The advent of information age, in the last decades of the 20th century, has a lot to make basic assumptions about the industrial age competition. Companies can no longer produce a sustainable competitive advantage simply by implementing new technology into physical assets quickly or simply by applying the management of assets and financial liabilities. Revolutionary impact of the information age more felt by local companies and multinasioanl, especially under the auspices of the incumbent local companies, which for decades to grow in a comfortable and non-competitive. They just have a little freedom in entering the business in determining the price of the product. In return, the government regulations to protect the company from its competitors is more efficient and innovative, and set prices that allow returns on investments and costs incurred. Over the last two decades shows the emergence of various initiatives of deregulation and privatization of essential services firms worldwide. When the seeds of destruction created information technology services company and the industry in the previous centuries many get protection from the government.
To achieve competitive success, the information age requires new skills that must be owned by the company. The ability of a company to mobilize and mengekspolorasi assets become much more decisive.
Analysis Articles

From some of the articles presented in the introduction there are some similarities in the organization influences IT Outsourcing yatiu:
• Improve the organization's strategic IS
• Prevent risks arising
• The organization can focus on its core business, thus increasing the competitive advantage
• Outsourcing codification of standards for conduct described by several methodological
• In addition, the difference is the effect of IT outsourcing organization Organizational Culture, Political, resources and organizational structure.
Stages of Outsourcing
From the explanation above, that the era of information that supports a competitive advantage outsourcing needs of the organization will be important, the similarity of the arguments of the impact of outsourcing risk management and selection process outsource provider or lawyer both in terms of internal and external factors that are affected by four organizations: structural frame, human resources, political, and symbolic to the achievement of organizational objectivity.
In general, the outsourcing process can be done with planning, outsourcing, strategy selection, cost analysis, outsourcing vendor selection, negotiation, transition and relationship management resource. Cost analysis in the framework of an outsourcing, data collection activities play cost of outsourced activities in the before and after, and evaluation of the impact of business value by considering:
1. Grouping fee influential / significant, use the law of Pareto (80/20), activity costs will be outsourced recorded and monitored.
2. Before making outsourcing calculate the cost that has been classified, whether it will have an advantage.
3. After Outsource, recalculate as step b and impact analysis after outsourcing.
4. Use cost-benefit analysis to obtain results from outsourcing whether or posifit negative impact to the company.
The stages in the outsourcing life cyle which according to the Outsourcing Governance IT Governance, Organization to adopt best practices, Outsourcing life cycle to understand the operational and strategical as support each lasting life cycle control. Broader goals by applying the model life cycle, the organization will be better manage , administer, allocate resources effectively cross the next area. illustrated in figure 5 - outsourcing life cycle ..
Taking into account:
1. Ensuring the appropriate outsourcing is that it may be acceptable to the understanding of the organization's business and operations strategies (both strategic planning and tactical planning).
2. Determining the type of outsourcing and its relationship with consumption needs services, while this is a separate, consistent and have the characteristics of simple, market-based relationships (market-based).
3. Build process outsourcing rules and terms before the contract is signed. It provides a reference to the rules and support all parts to see the purpose of the contract, expectations, roles, responsibilities initiatives rules (responsibilities of the governance initiative).
4. Do some research. Organizations should conduct research on the organization itself (to understand, measure, and meets the needs of outsourcing) and select the provider / Outsource potential lawyer can do.
5. Make a negotiated contract for a certain period of time to make sure your expectations and whether the plan has been reached, if necessary, to get an alternative with potential providers.

The success of an organization's Competitive Advantage with IT Outsourcing menerapan, based on consideration of the application of outsourcing practices that can either use the outsourcing life cycle developed by the IT Governance Institute or use the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) in particular Procurement Management and also a combination of both, all activities outsourcing is influenced also by the triangle constraint (scope, cost and time), infrastructure components (people, process, technology) and four organizational frames, to prevent potential risks, so that the organization can focus on its core business.

Writing that charity

"The skies may be intelligent, but as long as he did not write, he would
lost in society and of history. Writing is work to
immortality "

Kouichi Tanaka and Eiji Osawa are two Japanese chemist. There is a fundamental difference between the two. Tanaka is a recipient of the Nobel Prize (Chemistry, 2002), while not Osawa. What distinguishes them is Tanaka writes, while Osawa no.

In 1970 Osawa predicted the existence of structural carbon materials that form a ball through the scientific literature. Unfortunately, the idea is written in a Japanese-language journals, so it never got to Europe and America. At the same time an American scientist RW Hanson was also predicted similar things. But he actually did not write the idea.

Fifteen years later, the carbon structure is realized Osawa predicted the experimental, and then called C60 by Harold Kroto, James R. Heath, Sean O'Brien, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley. This discovery continues with the discovery of fullerenes, the tube structure of carbon materials in nanometer scale, which is known in the scientific world with a carbon nanotube. Carbon nanotubes are one of the most important ingredients in the development of nanotechnology today. The discovery of these four scientists was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1996.

Tanaka is a researcher at the Shimazu corporation, a Japanese manufacturer of measuring instruments. He developed the mass spectrometer, an instrument that is able to parse the composition of a material by mass constituent molecules. Tanaka wrote his research results in English. One at an international conference, and another in an international journal of mass spectrometry. At first Nobel Prize for the discovery / development of the mass spectrometer was about to be given to British scientists produce more papers so it is better known. But recently, the committee found a paper published earlier Tanaka and a reference material, so it was decided to confer the award to him.

Tanaka was not proficient in English. Unlike most science Nobel Prize laureates who are mostly commonly associate professor internationally, Tanaka's "just" a scholar S1. She is the only recipient of the Nobel Prize in science are not doctors. During his lecture at the Nobel ceremony, he had to pass the English haltingly. When asked by reporters about his impression after the lecture, he said shortly, "I hate English!"

Writing is sharing. The idea that we write and read others may will inspire people to do more or better. That's the most basic thing in the world of science publications. From the findings of a scientist, other scientists will continue and expand. That can only be achieved if they are sharing. One of the media to share it is writing.

Osawa indeed had written earlier idea of ​​the carbon structure. Unfortunately the media that he used inadequate. He wrote in Japanese, which I could not reach the center of the world of science, namely Europe and America. This means that the idea does not spread well. Instead, Hanson actually have a better chance because he speaks English. But she misses one important thing, that he did not write down his ideas.

Writing is sharing. We're not writing to show that we are smart or great. If the intention Thus, our paper will be filled by the great things that may be difficult to understand the reader. Writing with the intention of sharing means we will try to make writing so maybe that is easily understood by the reader. If you feel that writing is hard, try writing your ideas. Then read their own writing, to imagine yourself as being very common in the things you wrote. That way you will empathize with the reader, found it difficult to understand in your writing. Then change the writing to be easily understood.

Given by impact of technology on the behavior and development of human culture

The development of the existing technology had a profound effect on behavior and human culture. In today's world people are very dependent on technology. Human life be made easier because of technology. For example, in the shop we do not need to bother to go to the place that you want addressed, and picking out the groceries we need. We just go to the internet, choose the things we want and buy it over the internet, then just wait for the ordered goods we come. We can also get all the information we need. We can know the latest news easily and quickly. We can also get entertainment, such as playing online computer games, and we can also communicate with other people or our friends who are in different places, both domestically and abroad, with a simple and practical, such as chat.
But the technology also poses adverse effect on the behavior and human culture. Especially internet technologies. where communicators can convey any information be it good or bad information to the communicant, and that hard again we are not easy to trace who komunikatornya. Unlike the other technologies, such as print, TV, Radio, we can find out who komunikatornya clearly, so that information can be accounted for. With the technology also makes socialization between fellow human beings is reduced, before any technology, there are a plethora of communication is direct, but since the advent of technology people no longer need to communicate more directly, using the internet and we can put up a web came to talk with anyone and where only. This resulted in non-verbal communication less often. Besides internet can also cause bad things like the spread of computer viruses, bank fraud, ruffled corporate or government system. As performed by hackers, they have a high ability in technology but not used properly, and even those with high technological capabilities used to disrupt the system-system of a company or the government, they could even break the bank, so get personal benefits for their own. The technology can also cause a person's laziness in communicating, before there was entertainment technology only for humans is the huddle and playing together. But with the advent of technology, people have a wide range of entertainment, when they are bored, they do not need to go to a friend's house and just talk, they can watch TV, listen to the radio, or seek information from the Internet. this led to reduced socialization among humans and can cause people to become geek and have no friends, because too many at home and use the internet. Because technology makes human life and humans are very dependent of the technology, leading to a greater dependence on technology and it makes humans can not be separated from technological assistance in their daily lives.

Definition of Nano Technology.

Nanotechnology is a science (science) to create machines that are very small, the molecular level. The name is derived from the word meaning} {nanometer a billionth of a meter (10 to the minus 9), the size of these machines.

Nano technology is sometimes also called an engineered at the molecular level, is a multidisciplinary area of ​​various applied science and engineering in order to design and develop components and systems is very small.

The role of nanotechnology in the IT (information technology), have no doubt. Increasing the speed of the computer from time to time, memory and hard drive capacities increase, the smaller the increase in functionality and mobile phones, are concrete examples of nano technology products in the field of IT.

Contribute to the development of nano technology IT can be broadly divided into three.

1. The addition of the density of the number of devices.
Preview simply, if the size of the fruit can be made smaller transistor density of the number of transistors on the same chip size will automatically be bigger.

2. Application allows quantum effects.

3. The addition of new functions to an existing system makes the same material in a small size. But to make a new function when the atoms or molecules of different types arranged in a system device.

For example, the manufacture of artificial eyes that have a function to capture and transfer light into information and then processed, it will be easier to do with the role of nanotechnologies. Even with nanotechnologies, artificial intelligence sensors can be made with a sensitivity close to what humans have.

The role of other nanotechnologies:
© Nano technology could double the concrete kekutan.
- With a mixture of 10 percent nanosilika kekutan concrete material to be twice as strong, earthquake resistant, and impermeable to water.

© Nano technology capable of making the drug in nanogram size.
- The drug directly to the target that was about to be treated.

© Nano technology provides a way out to overcome pollution:
1. the mastery of nanotechnology will reduce fuel use in transportation.

2. reducing exhaust gas and waste.

3. nanofilter able to filter out dust, gases and particles in the order of one micron.

4. nanotechnology will find solar cells that could reduce the energy source of carbon compounds.

5. nanotechnology enables the discovery of batteries with high capacity and long-lasting.

6. nanotechnology enabled energy savings due to the power grid is no longer using copper as a conductor, but will use a conductor with zero resistance interests.

7. nanotechnology enables the use of hydrogen as a new energy source.

© nanotechnology able to turn the useless material into high-quality goods to compose constituent elements.
- Limestone (clay) are converted into nanoparticles and then mixed with the polymer, will produce polymer nanocomposite (PNC) is very strong and elastic.

© Nano technology able to arrange atoms or molecules of carbon contained in the coal and graphite.
- Produces a sparkling diamond.

© Nano technology can be used on electronic items:

1. washing machine 'Air Wash ™ System "made by Samsung.
washing machines with Silver Nano technology, where ion-ion nano-sized silver will eradicate bacteria and fungi. Nano silver ions are also able to withstand up to 30 days so that the laundry washing bacteria-free and odor-causing particles.

2. 'IPod Nano' Apple
• Using nano technology, the iPod is equipped with 4GB and 8GB of storage, and a 5 hour battery kekutan to watch the video, and 24 hours for listening to music.

3. Automax NanoTech Fuel Enhancer (NFE)
is additive with high berkepekatan cecair dynamic nanotechnologies.

Nano functions on NFE:
• Saves fuel up to 28%
• Increase engine power up to 20%
• Reduce pollution harmful fumes to 98%
• preserve engine durability

4. Bio disc (the findings of Dr. Ian William Lyon
glass plate is made of 13 natural minerals are processed through the Nano Technology and high fusion heating.

Bio disc capable of making all the liquid is absorbed more easily, improving flavor and can increase endurance.

5. Mosquito Traps Products "BLACK HOLE" Advanced Nano Technology Mosquito Trap

BLACK HOLE works by creating the Photocatalyst of ultraviolet light beam (2 pieces) are on the surface of the panel Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) that surrounds it. photocatalytic reaction produces heat spectrum is preferred because it is very similar to mosquito human body heat.

6. Water Filtration System With Combined Bio Nano Technology

- Free from bacteria and viruses
- The body get rid of toxins from the body
- Improve body metabolism and endurance
- Helps prevent heart problems and blood streaming
- Perpetuates freshness of the fish, meat and vegetables

7. 'Fuel cell' mini artificial NEC
Fuel cells are the only alternative to batteries that have the greatest energy capacity in proton energy conversion using hydrogen and oxygen as fuel.

8. 'Nissan' is equipped with Nano technology
The development of the field of electronics with nanotechnologies, actually running since 1975, which introduced a highly sensitive sensor in the disk drive made of layers of nanometer sized magnetic particles with nanometer layer thickness.

Intensive research in the field of highly capable chips using nano technology by several large companies such as IBM and Hewlett Packet by changing the principle material of silicon to metal particles more easily modified with high ability. INTEL Corp. (Intel) as the world's chip producers have prepared themselves through nanotechnology will replace silicon particles that had been used as a principle of chips with nano particles of carbon tube.

Definition Definition of Technology.

Definition Definition of Technology According to the experts - Technology is growing and sophisticated, so before we advance our technology meddle we should know in advance what is the meaning of technology, I provide the following definition of technological understanding from various sources:

Definition Definition of Technology is one characteristic that defines human nature that is part of history covering the whole history. Technology is closely related to science (science) and engineering (engineering). In other words, the technology contains two dimensions: the science and engineering that are related to each other. Science refers to our understanding of the real world around us, it means the basic characteristics of the dimensions of space, about the interaction of matter and energy in to each other.

The definition of science is a means of solving the fundamental problem of every civilization. Without science, a civilization can not sustain political structures and social or meet the basic needs of the people and the culture. As the external manifestation of an epistemology, science forming the physical, intellectual and cultural as well as advancing the economical production method chosen by a civilization. Basically, science is a means by which ultimately scored a civilization, he is a physical expression of his world view. While engineering, objective knowledge about something (about space, matter, energy) are applied in the field of design (including the technical equipment). In other words, the technology includes techniques and equipment to carry out the design of which is based on the results of science.

Often held separation, even a conflict between science and fundamental scientific research (basic science and fundamental) on the one hand and on the other, applied science and applied research (applied science and applied research). However, one other fact should be seen as two complementary lines that complement each other, even as the vessel related; may be distinguished, but should not be separated from each other.

The meaning of technology, such as the meaning of 'science', has changed throughout history. Technology, derived from Greek literature, namely technologia, derived from the origin of the word techne, meaning art discourse. When the term was first used in English in the seventeenth century, the meaning is systematic discussion on 'applied arts' or carpentry, and gradually it means referring to guild itself. In the 20th century, its meaning expanded to include not only the tools and machines, but also the methods and techniques of non-material. Which means the systematic application of techniques and methods. Now most of the definitions of technology, emphasizing relationship with science. Sociologist defined technology as' a collection of tools, rules and procedures is the application of scientific knowledge to a particular job in a way that allows repetition.

So a little explanation of Understanding Definition Technology.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Role of Communication Technology and Management

Currently the application of information and communication technologies are needed in the business world as a tool in the effort to win the competition. Information Technology Development Company carried out gradually before a holistic or comprehensive system is built, it is adjusted to the strength of its resources. In practice, information technology strategic plan is always aligned with the company's plans, so that every application of information technology to deliver value to the company. Referring to the company's information technology architecture, application of Information Technology conducted categorized as follows:

• Application of Information Technology which form the basis of various other applications
  The company is in the other operating systems, databases, network
  management and others.
• Applications that are fundamental (utility) the application of Information Technology
  used for a variety of resource utilization Corporate affairs among other
  payroll systems, accounting and financial systems and others.
• Application of Information Technology in accordance with the needs spesifikPerusahaan
  particularly with regard to the creation of products / services offered
  Companies such as Application Properties, Applications and Application Forwarding
IT departments often underestimated because it is the only department that can spend money without being able to make money, this is sometimes a problem of its own for the corporate IT department. Sometimes a lot of companies look at one eye on the role of IT in supporting the process in the company, it has not been a lot of measuring devices that can be used to measure how much IT contributed to or took part in advancing the company?
Some of the application of Information and Communication Technology among others in the company, business, banking, education, and health. And that will be discussed here is a special application with the tables and Communication Technology in the Company.
Application of Information and Communication Technology widely used by business travelers. The need for time and cost efficiency led to any businesses feel the need to apply information technology in the work environment. Application of Information and Communication Technology bada cause changes in work habits. For example, the application of Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is a software application that includes the company's management system, how long most
To be able to know the share of corporate IT department is to know the benefits of the application of IT technologies in the enterprise, for example:
• That from manual to automatic, and this reduces the cost of labor, the cost for paper, stationery, etc..
• working on a faster time in the presence of IT. Because IT is going memperbendek chain of bureaucracy, which was completed in 1 week with IT only took 1 day. If we had the time to convert to the cost savings it will get a few dollars.
• Decision-making is faster, because the data required IT can be obtained quickly. This of course would make the company more competitive. Because the impact would be enormous could be due to a slow decision a company will lose a lot of orders.
• The application of IT technology we will be able to save baiaya promotion and marketing, for promotion via the web site will be very cheap and consumers can view the company profile from anywhere in the world.
• The IT system will be integrated in all offices or company so it will be able to increase the speed in responding to something and the management will quickly determine the condition of the company without having to visit a remote branch office and transportation costs.
So actually the implementation of IT will be very cost-effective in all aspects, whether labor, processing, marketing, and management. And application of IT will also be able to accelerate the progress of the company, with semain increasing its margins.
To find out exactly how much profit is generated by IT then you can calculate it from the resulting savings-savings your company as the impact of the adoption of IT converted to Euro, and the progress achieved from the implementation of your company's IT, it will appear a sufficient significant.
Information systems in general have eased the situation a role in the company, including the following:
• Minimize risk
Every business has its risks, especially related to financial factorfaktor. In general, the risk comes from uncertainty in many respects, and other external aspects that are beyond the control of the company .. Currently, various types of applications are available to reduce the risks often faced by businesses such as forecasting, financial advisory, planning experts and others. The presence of information technology in addition to be able to help companies reduce business risks that exist, it should also be a means to assist management in managing risk.
• Reduce costs
The role of information technology as a catalyst in a variety of efforts to reduce the company's operating costs will ultimately affect the profitability of the company. In connection with this there are usually four ways to offer information technology to reduce operational costs, namely:
• elimination process
Implementation of the various components of information technology will be able to remove or eliminate processes that are deemed unnecessary. Sample call center to replace the function of customer service in the face of customer complaints.
o Simplification process
Various processes are lengthy and convoluted (bureaucratic) can usually be simplified by implementing the various components of information technology. Sample orders can be made through the company website without the need to come to the service order.
o Integration process
Information technology is also capable of integrating multiple processes into one that feels faster and more convenient (directly will increase customer satisfaction as well).
o Automation of the process
Changing manual processes to be automated is the classic offer of information technology.
• Add Value
The next role of information technology is to create value for customers. The ultimate goal of creating value not just to satisfy customers, but even further to create loyalty so that customers are willing to always be customers for the long term.
• Create new realities
The development of information technology is characterized by the rapid recent internet technology has been able to create a new competitive arena for the company, which is in cyberspace. Various concepts of e-business is kind of e-commerce, e-procurement, e-customer, e-loyalty, and other essentially a new perspective in response to the business mechanisms in the era of globalization of information.
For some companies, an IT strategy is not always the case that formal. Although the plan called Information Systems (IS) "Strategic", application architecture, data, technology and IS management process, which consists of the development and reporting standards, all presented with a plan, and the needs of the business processes that exist today. There is no reference or philosophy for the use of technology in the company and was not impressed any significant rules in determining which strategy is more effective, profitable and feasible.
In a conventional environment, the relationship between a firm's competitive strategy and the benefits of using IT developed through several layers, from planning, analysis and design. Can be understood if the ligkungan sseperti IT has little effect on the company's competitive strategy. In line with the broader use of IT in the business environment, the look is no longer a separation between IT and the competitive strategy of the company, as all competitive strategy must have IT as well as having marketing, manufacturers and finance.
IT strategy helps managers to define limits for the next action decision making, but stopping briefly in determining the action for himself. This is a fundamental difference between IT strategy and IT planning. IT strategy is a set of priorities that controls decision making for users and data processing professionals. It is a form of rule framework for usability of IT within the company, and describes how a senior executive at the company will relate to the IT infrastructure. IT Planning on other things, focusing on the implementation of the IT strategy.
Information Systems Strategic Planning needed for an organization to identify the best targets to make the purchase and implementation of management information systems and help to maximize the yield from investment in information technology. An information system created by Strategic Design of Information Systems are good, will assist an organization in the decision to carry out its business plans and realizing its business pencapian. In today's business world, the application of information technology to determine the strategy of the company is one of the most effective ways to improve business performance.
IT strategy is needed to
• Knowledge of new technologies
• involved in tactical and strategic planning
• Discussed in company discussions
• Understand the advantages and disadvantages of technology
With the growing role of information technology in the business world, the demand management / IT to produce a viable Information Systems and support business activities. To that end, required a change in management / IT. Change is the implementation of the Strategic Design of Information Systems to meet the demands of producing SI to support the business activities of an organization. Along with the times and the world of business, an increase in Information Systems Strategic Planning is a serious challenge for the management of IS / IT.
SI / IT as an Enabler, organization / company is required to apply the technology not only to maintain the existence of the business but also to create chances in the competition. An understanding of the role of technology development and information systems needed to manage technology and information systems within the organization itself. IT support company / organization at the level of
• Strategic
   Relevant to the achievement of long-term targets and overall business
• Tactical
   Required to achieve strategic plans and objectives in order to perform
   changes to success
• Operational
   Processes and actions that must be performed daily to maintain performance

Suitability of IT and Business
• Conduct internal and external synergies between domains
   External strategic choices must be consistent with the internal settings => general in
• IT Domain
Strategies for IT should be seen in the external domain: determines the position / formula companies in the market of IT products
IT => enabler: determine or establish the business strategy (not just berfungsisebagai response / support to the needs of the business strategy).
Functional Integration of IT for the company:
Business strategy and IT strategy, execution and functional level.
Business operations and IT infrastructure
The relationship between the administration and the business processes that the IT process execution strategies can be implemented.
Functional often called IT's ability to deliver solutions for business processes (more efficient, effective, reduced cost).

Impact of Communication Technology for Bureaucracy
The use of information technology (IT) in developing countries is growing rapidly and enter a variety of needs. The use of technologically advanced devices that networking computers designed since entering 2000, when the use of computers more evenly. The Government further indicates the growing need for the use of IT in order to make the work of the bureaucracy more effective and efficient in serving the needs of the community.
The work could be simplified and bureaucracy is streamlined through the use of information technology. Therefore, governments in some countries are very interested in adapting the use of ICT for citizens and businesses. One is the Italian e-government strategy. This strategy is so popular that it be used as reference for other countries in the world in the development of electronic government services, especially in developing countries. In the records of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, at least 16 countries that follow the model of the development of digital technology used by the government to modernize the Italian government.
Models wearing Italian e-government development by many countries, because since the beginning of Italy is already preparing a development of e-government initiatives prepared by the Technical Unit Development, which is part of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. The initiative has developed into an international action after the UN, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and the Development Gateway Foundation, was also involved and work together in achieving the so-called good governance and democratic development through information and communications technology.
What is a good e-governance in the Italian government? E-governance is a digital bureaucracy than focusing on the community, will also have an impact on the efficiency and quality of service even better. Modernization done up at the local level, and between central and local governments, there is a uniform connection, safe, and efficient with the so-called public connectivity system (PCS). One advantage of the PCS is no longer bothered with the issue should go to a government office to another government office to arrange something. Now intergovernmental communication is inter-connected with each other.
In the modern organization, too, it will make the government more efficient, productive and responsive to public needs, faster serve, to cut the bureaucracy, and that obviously becomes more open.
Ironically, behind the success of e-governance Italian, Indonesian bureaucracy has not changed from the way that the manual digitization regardless of the swift current. The phenomenon of high levels of corruption, bribery, and extortion in the state bureaucracy is constantly occurring as a result of government inaction in the days following the transformation.
Images of Indonesia opaque bureaucracy in the digital era is often photographed with bleak images by various parties. The process of licensing services should be shortened often walk convoluted and thick with the smell of bribery or kickbacks.
According to the survey Transparency International (TI) Indonesia in 2006, bribery was rife in the interaction of public service in government institutions. A woman entrepreneur of public transport in Ambon for example, claimed to have used bribery in the administration route permit. A businessman from Surabaya had another experience. To pass three boats loaded with timber to the warehouse, timber companies are forced to give up two fully loaded timber ships as "harbor entrance ticket" or lubricant. Foreign businessmen to invest in Indonesia were not spared from the 'culture' which is scented odor. No wonder, if TI - a non-governmental body based in Berlin - often puts Indonesia in a group of countries that have relatively high levels of corruption. Conversely, if viewed from the human development index (HDI) or the Human Development Index (HDI) UNDP reported periodically, Indonesia is always in a position more tenuous.
To solve the problem of corruption, bribery or extortion in the bureaucratic system, can be used ICT. This is intended to cut red tape complexity of public services in Indonesia through the implementation of e-Government. That is, the problem of corruption, bribery and extortion can be overcome by improving the quality of public services. Therefore, the use of ICT can promote the establishment of the principles of good governance - especially in terms of transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability. Unfortunately, it can not be done in the near future.
Sendainya just bureaucratic reform-based e-Government can be applied in any districts / cities in Indonesia, it is not only limited to promote improved quality of care or cut the complexity of the bureaucratic chain that has been blamed as the source of the rampant bribery or corruption among bureaucrats, but can foster investment climate positive and foster creativity in new productive business opportunities through ICT convergence space which is now wide open.
Is not the principles of good governance - especially transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability - if realized by implementing e-Government can also change the culture of corruption into a productive culture? Perhaps a change of this kind is expected to hundreds of millions of Indonesia's population of today's global impact of digitization. But if things are easy just continue compounded by the bureaucratic chain, it is quite possible a variety of information and communication technology products imported to Indonesia will only be 'ornaments' that adorn the modern lifestyle, but still poor creativity and productivity.

Application of Communication Technology in Organizations

Communication and information technology have great potential to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of health information management in hospitals. Some notable examples that will be reviewed are (1) a computer-based medical record, (2) portable storage technologies such as smart cards, (3) wireless technology, and (4) handheld computer.

1. Computer-based medical record (Computer-based patient record)
One of the major challenges in the application of information and communication technology in hospitals is the application of computer-based medical records. In his official report, Intitute of Medicine notes that it is still little evidence of the successful implementation of computer-based medical record as a whole, comprehensive and can be used as a data model for other hospitals.
Definition of a computer-based medical records vary, but, in principle, is the use of a database to record all medical data, demographic and every event in the management of patients in hospital. Computer-based medical records will gather patient clinical data both from the results of physician examination, digitization of tools diagnosisi (ECG, radiology, etc.), conversion of laboratory results and clinical interpretation. Computer-based medical record is usually accompanied by a complete facility decision support system (DSS) that enable delivery of alerts, reminders, diagnosis and therapy in order to help doctors and clinicians to comply with the protocol

2. Portable data storage technology
One important aspect of health care that uses the approach of referral (referral system) is the continuity of care. In this concept, health services at the primary level have a high level of connectivity with the referral on it. One of the conditions is the communication of medical data easily and effectively. Some of the approaches made use of information technology is the use of smart cards (smart cards that allow temporary data storage). Smart cards are already used in some European countries and the United States making it easier for patients, doctors and health insurers. In the smart card, in addition to demographic data, some data will also be recorded diagnosisi last. Other portable storage technology is a model of web-based electronic health records allow patients to store their health data while on the Internet. The data can then be accessed by a doctor or hospital as authorized by the patient. This technology is one of the models of telemedicine applications that do not run in real time.
Application is a simple portable storage bar code (or bar code). Bar code is already available in the industry as a marker of a particular brand's unique to come. It is obviously easier supermarkets and retail warehouses and inventory management. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. have required all drug manufacturers in the U.S. to use the barcode as a marker drug. The use of bar code will also benefit the pharmacy and hospital pharmacy in speeding up the inventory process. In addition, the use of barcodes can also be used as a unique identifier on the card and the patient's medical record.
Unique marker technology is now increasingly popular is the RFID (radio frequency identifier) ​​that allows pengidentifikasikan identity through radio frequency. If using barcode, hospitals still require barcode reader, the use of RFID would eliminate the use of these tools. Each item (eg drug or medical record file), along with RFID will send a continuous signal into a computer database. So identification will run automatically.

3. Wireless Technology
The use of computer networks in the medical world has actually been initiated since almost 40 years ago. In 1976/1977, University of Vermont Hospital and Walter Reed Army Hospital to develop a local area network (LAN) that allows users to log on to multiple computers from a single terminal in the nursing station. At that time, the medium used is still a koaxial cable. Currently, the network Hairdryer be excellent because the user stays connected to the network without wires hampered by mobility. Through the non-cable networks, the doctor can always connect to the database without having terganggun patient mobility.

4. Handheld computers (Personal Digital Assistant)
Currently, the use of handheld computers (PDAs) become more and more commonplace in the medical community. In Canada, fifty percent of physicians who are under 35 years old using a PDA. PDAs can be used to store a variety of patient clinical data, drug information, and guide therapy / treatment specific clinical. Some sites on the Internet provide examples of clinical applications are used in PDA dapta as Epocrates. Use of PDAs that have been accompanied by a fixed telephone network allows physicians to have access to a database of patients in rumahs Akit through the Internet network. One example of the application of telemedicine technology is patient radiological data transmission that can be sent directly through the GSM network. Furthermore, doctors can provide direct interpretation PDA and provide feedback to hospitals.