In the era of globalization and free trade can be seen that the environment must be faced by a company increasingly complex and more difficult to predict. It was caused by the rapid development of technology, shifts in the digital economy and e-commerce that requires high skills and knowledge, fragmented market in a wide range of geography that demands a clear field of specialization, improvements and innovations made by each company to get an edge competing and coupled with the emergence of other industries which of course increases the intensity of competition increases. Therefore companies are really ready to face all that will survive and continue to grow.
As stated in ISO 9001 that an employee's competency components required by the company to be a quality organization and gain national and international quality certification. The company also must be able to document and identify employees who meet the job qualification requirements and develop employees who have not qualified in terms of knowledge and skills through training and practice development. Part Human Resource Development (HRD) needs to build human resource (HR) professional and highly competent that will be a center of excellence as well as support the company's competitiveness in the company entered the era of globalization. In accordance with the changes in the global marketplace, every company employee organizations need to have high competency as required in the job.
Concept of Human Resource Management Competency Based (HRM-BK) or Competency Base Human Resource Management (CB-HRM) offers a new approach that can translate the demands of corporate competencies into position competency requirements and needs of individual competence. With the approach of HRM-BK, many HRM functions previously difficult to do becomes easier and practical, which are organized by the level of competency requirements. HRM-BK method that utilizes computer technology provides easy access to obtain information about the position and the individual so as to result in a decision-making human resource management effective and efficient.
Glimpse of Information Technology
Humans are social beings, besides Clothing, food, and shelter as a priority need, then as social human beings need to communicate between each other as the main requirement to be able to relate to one another.
So start looking for people and creating systems and tools to interact, ranging from painting forms (drawing) on the walls of caves, hand signals, smoke signals, signal sounds, letters, words, words, writings, letters, to phone and internet.
Tools and man-made communication systems are then known as Information Technology, better known by the term "IT" (read ai-ti), short for Information Technology (eng).
The development of human civilization is accompanied by the development of the delivery
information (hereinafter referred to as Information Technology). Starting from the pictures meaningless in the cave walls, laying a milestone in the form of inscriptions until the introduction of the world flow of information that became known as the INTERNET.
The information presented is growing. Than merely describing a state to battle tactics. The author wanted to portray the development of the IT world since prehistoric times until ere entering the era of globalization or information without boundaries
IT Implementation Strategy
Chief information officer (CIO) is one of the company's top-level executives, responsible for one of the major functional areas - information services (information services - IS).
CIO is a member of the executive committee and work closely with other executives in strategic planning. Strategic business plan together information as a resource that should be used to gain competitive advantage, and is supported by a strategic plan for information resources. Increasing HR competencies in enterprise IT strategy mplementasikan CIO role is crucial.
Undeniably, the development of today's business world is increasingly being linked to and, in fact, determined by how intensive information technology (IT) are optimally applied and used in a corporate environment. Various solutions, which brings the technology and wealth of features and functionality continue to be developed. Similarly, ease of use and implementation, for example made in the form of modules, which enables its application in stages without loss of functional connectivity, the main attraction.
So the race continues to stimulate the birth of new solutions and the basis of the latest platforms, which tend to be more technologically sophisticated and complicated, but it feels much easier to use and more widely automated. Variants wide connectivity, data transfer and execution of functional activity, and ease of application to the points offered advantages vendor. Although, in its application, it takes foresight and a fuller understanding of the needs and objectives to be achieved.
That, of course, not just rely on operational details, but on the ability to provide something more than just technological operations, strategic but functional. Therefore, the solutions are more recent, they should be able to provide more convenience, operational coverage area, including ease of use and cost savings or investment ditanamkannya.
In recent years, new solutions, especially those based on Internet technology and cordless (wireless) to dominate a lot of needs, so the ability to support mobility (and increased productivity) is no longer a dream. Mobility, now, no longer a barrier in conducting various business activities, whether at home, at work, on the street, or even outside the city or even abroad. Access and transfer data remotely and wirelessly, for example, is something that can now be done easily
Therefore, the development of a variety of business-oriented solutions that attract more attention. In addition to more functional, also may give a big picture than just the technical operations. It is also supported by advances in technology without cable access (W-LAN aka Wi-Fi) from a speed of 11Mbps to 54Mbps, and even that is being developed, which is the standard 802.16 (WiMax - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), a world scale.
The new solution is now diujiterapkan by Wal-Mart in the U.S. and Metro in Germany, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), also started getting a lot of attention, especially from the retail industry. Besides promising a lot of convenience, the more prominent is the savings and the availability of more accurate data. This retailer solutions seem to be having a snowball scroll increasingly greater.
Linux previously hardly taken into account, is now gradually starting to make waves. This is evidenced by the emergence of Linux-based operating system - Lindows - which will compete with Windows from Microsoft. Recently, Lindows also hope will become the default OS for the laptop or notebook.
The more buoyant-gebunya application of mobile technology (mobile technology), whether it's Wi-Fi, CDMA, EDGE and others also encourages the development of both hardware and its software. Productivity is expected to be a major concern in deploying this technology.
On the other hand, with a variety of capabilities and cost considerations, Outsourcing (outsourcing) enterprise solutions will increase in both insourcing and outsourcing offshore. This outsourcing strategy, in addition to saving costs, also provide a solution IT solutions to the real experts, while the company can focus on its core competency course.
Cost savings are also now possible with one application of IP Telephony to tackle the soaring cost of voice and data communications. This solution is expected to save up to 70 percent.
However, the IT solutions company that is applied, it remains necessary is that care in scrutinizing the application, so it's really to be expected solution with a number of advantages that can be achieved, both in the short and long term.
The role of information technology in improving Competitive advantage
Companies in the information age is the period of the revolutionary transformation, the company not only assessed performance of the asset but the financial and discuss all aspects to provide cost leadership, diffrention, and focus. The information age companies are more responsive to the challenges of the market, preparing for the challenges of today many companies decided to start outsourcing to improve the company's performance related to business processes that are not a core competence or core business. It is expected to hand over the management of the process into the hands of another company as a business partner that has a core business in the field, creating a process with optimal performance
According to Anthony diromulado Gurbaxani and vijay (Strategic Intent for IT Outsourcing
, Sloan Management Review, Summer 1998, Academic Research Library 3.4) states that the three main points to improve IS IT outsourcing that improve business performance, and generate new revenue that can help companies to assess outsourcing. To achieve corporate strategic objectives with consideration of reducing costs and improving resource efficiency by improving IT IS relevant to their business, but the purpose of commercial exploration of applications, operations, infrastructure and know how to introduce to the market by products and services.
Based on these considerations blaze of incentives for outsourcing clients and vendors sharing the risks and rewards are obtained based on the type of contract, the right decision, performance measurement. Senior managers need guidelines for administration of IS transformation plan based on the standard system with core business systems with a global technology platform and consider the transfer of asset ownership and responsibility of the customer to the vendor IT outsourcing that are critical for success.
Of all that is necessary to evaluate IT Outsourcing and structural relationships, as a manager of IS and business will always remember the need for success, consistency, competence, compatibility and sustainability of the organization's IT assets.
According to the IT Governance Institute (Governance of Outsourcing ISBN 1-933284-13-7) providing for the codification of rules that have outsourced outsourcing life cycle stages as follows:
1. Suitability signing of the contract and the signing of the completed process.
2. Agreement Service Level Agreement (SLA)
3. Operational processes are developed
4. Transition stages and payment services
5. Operational team, a clear articulation of the relationship and interface
6. Transition and Transformation plan completion
7. Successful Act, bonus and penalty
8. Consensus in determining responsibility
9. Assessment continuation outsource supplier performance and style
1. Transition staff
2. Key Knowledge and skills are retained or acquired
3. Carry out the administration of services to complete
4. Dideliver services to SLA / OLA new
5. A framework for monitoring the impact
6. Continuous improvement program
7. Review and improvement of procedures
1. combined activity rules
2. organizing services, operating and reporting
3. Benchmarking is built
4. The project cost is measured based on the implementation
5. Benefits are administered
6. Assets in line with the needs of
7. Changes and the successful Environmental Management
Quick Wins and Steady State
1. Contract that expired
2. Benchmarking to show less competitive
3. Breach of contract
4. Employment relationship that can not be implemented
According Hazael Taylor (Outsourced IT Projects from the vendor Perspective: Different Goals, Different Risks, University of Washington, USA) suggests that multinational IT Outsourcing on the project to be more common in managing project risks in order to avoid the failure of the project by noting spesisifk risk and differentiate from competitors or outsourcing vendors that are not competent, it can be determined by identifying the risk factors that can be identified or classified, namely:
Project Management Risks
1. Technology Risks
2. Relationship Risks
3. Internal Vendor Negotiations
4. Vendor Team Morale
5. Client Trust
6. Client Organization Culture
Location Risks
1. Vendor Overseas Head Office
2. Non Local Third Party
Commercial Environment Risks
1. Vendor's Reputation
2. Vendor's Competition
3. Legal and Credit Risk
4. Contract Term and Conditions
Non-identified factors
According to Kaplan and Norton (1996), which assessed performance using financial indicators alone is no longer considered sufficient, the reason financial measures only describe the situation of the past, and can only be done for a company that all long-term investment.
Sources: # Kaplan
While the era of information technology, companies can survive is a company that is able to create value by investing in our customers, employees, processes, technology used, and innovation.
In 2004, IT Governance Institute, in conjunction with Global Ligthouse, surveyed 200 IT professionals from 14 countries in America, Asia-Pacific and Europe, responder including CIOs, IT Directors and IT managers from various companies with annual revenues of more than U.S. $ 50 million . Survey highlights some of the key themes of strategic mendriven organizations to consider outsourcing and how it is applied and regulated.
The Information Age
To analyze, review, compare and contrast the arguments of some of the thinking presented in the introduction should also look at the condition of the Information Age will get a holistic view so that the influence of Outsourcing. The level of competition increases with increasing business needs of information technology to improve business value, this can be reflected in the strategic characteristics generally have several factors namely: cost leadership, differentiation and focus of seeing it all, now is the time a revolutionary transformation. Industrial age competition has shifted to the information age competition. During the industrial age, from 1850 until about 1975, success is determined by how well companies exploit the benefits of scale and scope economies (economies of scale and scope). The success obtained by the company that is how much a company can embed new technologies and offer a standard product mass and efficiently.
During the industrial age, financial control systems developed within a company, it is to facilitate and monitor the allocation of financial and physical capital efficiently. The use of financial and physical capital by different operating divisions may be monitored in order to create added value for our shareholders.
The advent of information age, in the last decades of the 20th century, has a lot to make basic assumptions about the industrial age competition. Companies can no longer produce a sustainable competitive advantage simply by implementing new technology into physical assets quickly or simply by applying the management of assets and financial liabilities. Revolutionary impact of the information age more felt by local companies and multinasioanl, especially under the auspices of the incumbent local companies, which for decades to grow in a comfortable and non-competitive. They just have a little freedom in entering the business in determining the price of the product. In return, the government regulations to protect the company from its competitors is more efficient and innovative, and set prices that allow returns on investments and costs incurred. Over the last two decades shows the emergence of various initiatives of deregulation and privatization of essential services firms worldwide. When the seeds of destruction created information technology services company and the industry in the previous centuries many get protection from the government.
To achieve competitive success, the information age requires new skills that must be owned by the company. The ability of a company to mobilize and mengekspolorasi assets become much more decisive.
Analysis Articles
From some of the articles presented in the introduction there are some similarities in the organization influences IT Outsourcing yatiu:
• Improve the organization's strategic IS
• Prevent risks arising
• The organization can focus on its core business, thus increasing the competitive advantage
• Outsourcing codification of standards for conduct described by several methodological
• In addition, the difference is the effect of IT outsourcing organization Organizational Culture, Political, resources and organizational structure.
Stages of Outsourcing
From the explanation above, that the era of information that supports a competitive advantage outsourcing needs of the organization will be important, the similarity of the arguments of the impact of outsourcing risk management and selection process outsource provider or lawyer both in terms of internal and external factors that are affected by four organizations: structural frame, human resources, political, and symbolic to the achievement of organizational objectivity.
In general, the outsourcing process can be done with planning, outsourcing, strategy selection, cost analysis, outsourcing vendor selection, negotiation, transition and relationship management resource. Cost analysis in the framework of an outsourcing, data collection activities play cost of outsourced activities in the before and after, and evaluation of the impact of business value by considering:
1. Grouping fee influential / significant, use the law of Pareto (80/20), activity costs will be outsourced recorded and monitored.
2. Before making outsourcing calculate the cost that has been classified, whether it will have an advantage.
3. After Outsource, recalculate as step b and impact analysis after outsourcing.
4. Use cost-benefit analysis to obtain results from outsourcing whether or posifit negative impact to the company.
The stages in the outsourcing life cyle which according to the Outsourcing Governance IT Governance, Organization to adopt best practices, Outsourcing life cycle to understand the operational and strategical as support each lasting life cycle control. Broader goals by applying the model life cycle, the organization will be better manage , administer, allocate resources effectively cross the next area. illustrated in figure 5 - outsourcing life cycle ..
Taking into account:
1. Ensuring the appropriate outsourcing is that it may be acceptable to the understanding of the organization's business and operations strategies (both strategic planning and tactical planning).
2. Determining the type of outsourcing and its relationship with consumption needs services, while this is a separate, consistent and have the characteristics of simple, market-based relationships (market-based).
3. Build process outsourcing rules and terms before the contract is signed. It provides a reference to the rules and support all parts to see the purpose of the contract, expectations, roles, responsibilities initiatives rules (responsibilities of the governance initiative).
4. Do some research. Organizations should conduct research on the organization itself (to understand, measure, and meets the needs of outsourcing) and select the provider / Outsource potential lawyer can do.
5. Make a negotiated contract for a certain period of time to make sure your expectations and whether the plan has been reached, if necessary, to get an alternative with potential providers.
The success of an organization's Competitive Advantage with IT Outsourcing menerapan, based on consideration of the application of outsourcing practices that can either use the outsourcing life cycle developed by the IT Governance Institute or use the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) in particular Procurement Management and also a combination of both, all activities outsourcing is influenced also by the triangle constraint (scope, cost and time), infrastructure components (people, process, technology) and four organizational frames, to prevent potential risks, so that the organization can focus on its core business.